Hello, How Are You?

Schools are being invited to engage in the Hello, How Are You? campaign organised by Mental Health Ireland, which is centred on connection and engaging in open conversations about mental health. The week commencing the Monday, 27 March, finishing with the HELLO day on the 30 March, the school community are encouraged to ask ‘Hello, How are You?’ and actively listen for the answer. The campaign is also suggesting that on the 30 March students may be allocated H.E.L.L.O homework. In place of written homework, students will have a conversation with someone at home using the H.E.L.L.O steps.

Click here for more information and to register

IPPN Deputy Principals’ Conference – Speeches & Presentations

Resources from the recent conference in Croke Park, attended by 400 deputy principals, are now available on ippn.ie. These include:

Seminar presentations on:

  • Modelling Co-leadership, presented by principal Ann Lynskey and deputy principal Aoife O’Connor of Tierneevin NS, Gort, Co. Galway
  • Inclusive Best Practice, presented by seconded deputy principal Sharon Healy and Maureen Smith, both of NCSE

Keynote speech texts by:

  • IPPN CEO Páiric Clerkin
  • IPPN President Brian O’Doherty

Exhibitor listing

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Professional Guidance – Communicating Decisions

During the next month, the outcome of leave applications will be communicated to staff. Some will meet with approval from staff, while others will be disappointed with the outcome. The first question is who made the decision. In the case of leave applications, it is the Board of Management.

The Board, as the employer, makes all decisions with regard to leave requests. It is important that communication of decisions comes from and is seen to come from the Board. It should not be perceived that this is a decision of the principal. The importance of maintaining a good relationship with staff cannot be overestimated. Clear understanding by staff of the Board’s responsibility is necessary to avoid conflict arising with the principal if an application for leave is declined.

While decisions are communicated in writing as per circular, it is the practice in a number of schools for the Chairperson to also deliver decisions in person, whether it is to approve or decline a leave application.

A conversation with the Chairperson to decide on the best method of communicating decisions of the Board and a discussion regarding the necessity for effective communication in this area could go a long way to enhancing working relationships within the school community.

Should you, as a school leader, need to have a difficult conversation with anyone in your school community, the Leadership Support Team is available with guidance and support.

IPPN Research on Health and Wellbeing of Principals and Deputy Principals – Your participation is essential!

Phase 2 of the Irish Principal and Deputy Principal Health and Wellbeing research is now underway. The online survey remains open until 7th April. This research looks at the increasing complexity and workload demands of school leadership roles and the impact on the health and wellbeing of Irish school leaders. More information is available HERE

The data from last year’s survey formed a key part of the analysis of the ‘current reality of primary school leadership’ in the Sustainable Leadership Report. 

All members are encouraged to partake in the survey so that IPPN can build on existing data and sustain momentum in implementing the recommendations in the report.

The survey will take less than 45 minutes for new participants and 30 minutes for those who participated in 2022.

Queries or issues regarding the survey can be directed to irelandprincipalsurvey@gmail.com.

Your engagement with this important research is greatly appreciated.

Le meas,

Brian O’Doherty
IPPN President

NABMSE & IPPN Focus Group

IPPN and NABMSE are collaborating to develop comprehensive resources and supports for schools opening new special classes. Planning is integral to ensure that the supports developed will help members provide the best education and care for the students enrolling in new special classes. To facilitate this planning, a focus group has been organised.

  • Who is it for: Focus group for mainstream primary schools who have just opened new special classes
  • Where: Facilitated by NABMSE and IPPN, in Kildare Education Centre (in person or online)
  • Date and Time: 15th March 2023. 9.30: tea/coffee, Seminar 1: 10-12, Lunch 1-2, Seminar 2: 1-3pm.

Click here to REGISTER and for more information

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