Sustainable Leadership Project

As the professional body for school leaders, IPPN engages with members on a daily basis through the provision of supports and services to empower effective leadership. That direct engagement with school leaders has highlighted the increasing levels of challenge, frustration and disillusionment experienced and articulated by school leaders in response to their experience of the practice of leadership. The intensity of that sense of frustration and disillusionment has noticeably increased in recent years and prompted IPPN to undertake its Sustainable Leadership project.

The objective of the project is to enhance school leadership because effective school leaders mean effective schools and effective schools mean better outcomes for children. Therefore, making sure that school leaders can dedicate themselves to delivering effective leadership must be a system imperative.

Last week, IPPN published its research report on this issue – “Primary School Leadership – The case for urgent action – A roadmap to sustainability”. It presents an evidence informed analysis of the current reality in which primary school leadership is exercised.

The report is solution focused. It explores the key issues and advocates for what needs to happen to ensure school leadership of the highest quality in our schools as well as a leadership role that is sustainable.

IPPN urges all school leaders to engage with the report and to share it with their leadership and management teams.

The report can be accessed  HERE 

You can also access a short animation HERE which gives a flavour of the report

We hope that school leaders will find their experience of the practice of leadership reflected in the report and that it will provide hope of a more effective and sustainable leadership reality. 

What if Scenarios Professional Conversations at Staff Meetings

Currently the incidents of children who pose flight risks in schools appears to be increasing. With this in mind, it may be opportune to discuss two ‘what if’ scenarios. Each school has its own unique context and capacity and the procedures agreed following discussion will vary from school to school.

What if a child runs out of school and goes missing ----------?
What if a child has been identified as a flight risk -------------?

The discussions might include:

  • Protocols and procedures to be followed in the event of the first scenario including notification of Gardaí and who does what, where and when
  • If an incident has occurred in the school, a review of the incident might consider what worked well and what we would do differently
  • Where a flight risk is identified, a Health and Safety audit ought to be put in place to identify the risk and how these might be minimized or possibly eliminated. The HSA website may be helpful in this regard
  • To whom does this then need to be communicated? All staff and the parents of particular children need to know the protocols put in place to manage these situations. As with all communication this is best done before an incident occurs.

Once the discussion has taken place, record the decisions made and submit them to the Board for approval.

Being proactive in this regard will lead to better outcomes should such unfortunate incidents occur.

Consultation for the new policy on Irish-medium education outside of the Gaeltacht

The Department of Education has launched a public consultation to inform the development of a new policy for Irish-medium education outside of the Gaeltacht. The policy is being informed by the outcomes of the public consultation and by national and international research. Additionally, a report on current provision of Irish-medium education outside of the Gaeltacht has been published.

The consultation is seeking IPPN members input to inform the policy.

An online questionnaire can be completed or a written submission sent to by 16 January 2023.

Click here for more information and to access the questionnaire

IPPN submission to the National Parents Council re. Strategic Plan 2023-2027

IPPN shares NPC’s stated aim of wanting ‘to see an Ireland where every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential’. Accordingly, this submission sets out IPPN’s suggestions for consideration with regard to the NPC Strategic Plan for the period 2023 to 2027, including in relation to:

  • promoting partnerships
  • guidance and support
  • learning from COVID pandemic
  • parental involvement
  • governance
  • school priorities
  • initial teacher training.

Click here to view the submission

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