Professional Conversations: What if scenarios - Bullying allegation

Scenario: What if a parent makes an allegation that his son in fourth class is being bullied and the school is doing nothing about it --------------------?

Having a professional conversation with staff is the first step in developing an understanding of how such a situation is managed. Thereafter, it needs to be communicated/discussed with BoM and parent body. It is necessary to acknowledge also that often issues like this arise, because there may be conflict between families outside of the school environment. It can lead to entrenched attitudes among adults in seeking to resolve the matter.

As this is an allegation of bullying, it needs to be investigated under the school’s Policy on Bullying. This is an opportunity for all staff to revisit the policy and be clear on the steps involved in it.

“Have you spoken to the class teacher?” is the starting point. Discuss the bullying policy in conjunction with the code of behaviour, which may need to be used at some point. The outcome of this conversation may possibly be a one-pager of the steps involved which would aid in communicating to all exactly how the school engages with the process of seeking resolution. At times, how the school has dealt with the situation, becomes a complaint, at which point it moves into the parental complaints procedure (previous What if scenario). The original bullying allegation can often become secondary to the new issue of how the school has dealt with it. Adherence to the procedures becomes all the more important at this stage.

The importance of having this conversation at a time when no issue exists, to ensure clarity, consistency of approach and giving staff confidence in the procedures is essential preparation for an issue that can be complex and require difficult conversations.

“Let us find ways of working together to do what is best for your son.”
“We need to work together on this.”

It is necessary to continuously use this kind of language in order to keep the focus on the child, who often gets lost in the process.

As always, IPPN's Professional Guidance Team is available to discuss issues of this kind and help in preparing you for these difficult conversations. Contact 021 4824070 or email to arrange a callback from a member of the team.

What if the Parental Complaints Procedure has been exhausted and parents still are unhappy with the outcome? They continue to behave inappropriately towards the teacher and/or principal

This issue highlights the fact that procedures are no replacement for positive relations. How schools approach relationships and communicate is important. Continually promoting positive relationships, embedded in and underpinned by a robust Dignity and Respect at Work culture is crucial. Clearly and regularly articulating how issues are resolved in school also helps reduce disaffection.

Where individuals engage in more formal procedures it is important to remind everyone that the purpose of such procedures is to resolve issues. Frequently parties come to a solution themselves. If this is not possible then a more formal procedure can be followed to the point where a third party, which in the case of Parental Complaints may ultimately be the Board of Management, adjudicates on the issue. In this procedure ‘the decision of the board shall be final’.

Once a procedure has been exhausted it is possible that one or other party may not be satisfied with the outcome. This is a regrettable side effect of engaging in and relying on a formal adjudication process. While we can understand that individuals may feel upset, annoyed, or even angry about an outcome, we also need to be clearly focussed on basic principles which govern Dignity and Respect at Work. Dignity at Work clearly articulates what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable in our workplace. As principals it is important to recognise that we cannot take responsibility for, or indeed control how others feel. We can however rely on robust policies which govern actions, conduct and behaviours.

If an individual behaves inappropriately towards the teacher and/or principal, the most appropriate policy for addressing this would be Dignity and Respect at Work Policy. This policy explicitly deals with how issues and concerns are addressed in school, the procedures that can be accessed, what behaviours are appropriate and inappropriate and how everyone in the school can expect to be treated i.e. with dignity and respect. It provides the terms of reference for managing adult behaviour in the workplace.

PAE/FASD Trying Differently Rather Than Harder

An introductory webinar for teachers and SNAs will take place online on Tuesday 29 November, 5.00 - 7.30pm. Email to book your place

This workshop will provide a brief overview and awareness building about PAE/FASD in the classroom and community. Because the structure and function of the brains of those with PAE/FASD are different, those with this condition learn and retain information very differently than the general population. The workshop will include the most common behavioural and cognitive difficulties associated with it and point to some simple adaptions to services that can be made. Suitable as an introduction for those with little or no knowledge of FASD.

Learning outcomes of 2.5 hour training Participants will:

  1. Start to understand the contributing factors and incidence rates for FASD in Ireland and around the world.
  2. Become familiar with common signs and symptoms of FASD, and the typical difficulties for both those with the condition and supporting professionally when these are misunderstood.
  3. Understand some of the underlying biological challenges that give rise to the cognitive and sensory issues typical in FASD.
  4. Start to develop an understanding of the principles of how the brains affected by PAE/FASD are different so that expectations and support can best be tailored to each child/person.

Take Away Resources: Participants will also leave with handouts, link to the most relevant websites and newly developed tool called “My Kind of Mind, A Guide to Understanding [FASD]”

Facilitator: David Gerry BSc Biology & Psychology In addition to raising two now 30+ year old adults with FASD, he has co-founded charities/non-profits in two countries to advocate for and support other families raising members with this condition.

Sub Requirements & 5 Day Rule

There is a high volume of teachers being recruited for short-term teaching vacancies. Schools are reminded that the following information is required from the substitute teacher before they enter the classroom:

• A copy of their teaching qualification certificate(s)
• Teaching Council registration number
• Photo identification e.g. driving licence or passport (Details match Teaching Council Registration Number)
• Vetting Disclosure (Circular 31/2016)
• Statutory Declaration Form & signed Form of Undertaking (Circular 31/2016)
• PPS Number
• Contact details of relevant recent employers for independent reference check.

A reminder that the exemption of the ‘ 5 day rule’ for 3 and 4 year students expired on 30 June 2022 as per Circular 16/2022. Post-graduate student teachers who are registered with the Teaching Council using their primary degree are exempt from the ‘5 day rule’.

Acting Principal and Deputy Principal Details

School leaders who will be in an acting principal role for the duration or part of the 2022/2023 school year are asked to update Jackie O’Reilly ( in the National Support Office. Jackie will provide details of the supports and services provided by IPPN to support the acting school leaders in their role.

Headstart is designed specifically to bring IPPN’s supports and services directly to newly appointed and acting school leaders during their first year. Many of them will already have registered with Misneach and received a CSL mentor. Throughout the school year, Headstart facilitated by a dedicated team of experienced principals will inform, guide and support these school leaders. A dedicated email has been set up in order to provide direct access to information, professional guidance and support during the year.

One of IPPN’s most important messages is that you can do this job, you cannot do it all and you cannot do it on your own. Headstart will deliver resources, key messages and professional guidance to make this particular challenge less onerous and help to deliver better outcomes for the children and school community served by the newly appointed school leader.

An initial communication has gone to newly appointed and acting school leaders outlining the resources and supports planned for the year. If as an acting school leader you have not received an email from the Headstart Team, please email to be included in this support service.

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