Fewer school days lost by pupils [IrishTimes]

Almost 70,000 fewer school days were lost in the last school year than in the previous year due to pupils missing school, new figures from the National Education and Welfare Board indicate.

The numbers, presented to the Public Accounts Committee yesterday by the board’s chief executive, also show that the number of students sitting the Leaving Cert has risen by more than 6 per cent, to 88 per cent, in the past eight years.


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Public opposed to education cutbacks, survey finds [schooldays.ie]

A new study has found the majority of people in Ireland would be opposed to large-scale cutbacks in the country's education system in the next Budget announcement.

This is according to a survey conducted by Behaviour and Attitudes on behalf of the Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI), which found three-quarters of respondents said there should be little or no reduction in funding.

Only four per cent felt education should be subjected to the same level of cuts as other sectors, while 55 per cent agreed that state subsidies for private establishments should be abolished.


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Students protest ‘death of education’ funeral cortege in Dublin [Independent.ie]

STUDENTS today mourned the "death of education" with a funeral cortege through the capital.

Members of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) followed a hearse and coffin across Dublin, before laying a wreath outside the gates of the Dail.

USI President Gary Redmond said people will suffer if there is another increase in university fees and cuts to student support.

"This really will be the final death nail in education, and not only education, but any hopes for Ireland's economic recovery," he said.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Budget raises spectre of super-size classes [clarechampion.ie]

SOUTH Galway’s parents, teachers and public representatives are being urged to attend a public meeting on Monday next to discuss difficulties facing schools and the “severe effects” of expected cuts in education as part of this year’s Budget.

According to one well-known local educator, children will be forced to learn in “super-size classes” if the Government changes the pupil to teacher ratio from 27:1 to 30:1 as part of Budget 2012.

“This meeting will explore the effect of budgetary cuts on the value of education that can be offered by schools and will feature a wide-ranging panel of educators, experts and professionals. It will focus on the situation in the education system today and the results of the cuts to date. It will outline what is to be expected in the future and will be of interest to teachers and parents,” explained Joe Killeen, INTO district representative for Galway and Roscommon.

Mr Killeen, principal of Lough Cutra National School, believes any increase in the pupil to teacher ratio will severely affect all schools, big and small.


Full Story: www.clarechampion.ie

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Primary Parents urge other options to school closures [clare.fm]

A leading organisation for parents of primary school students has called on the government to listen to local communities as it looks at the possibility of closing down schools here in Clare.

The Department of Education has held talks with the boards of management at two West Clare Schools, believed to be Scropul National School, Mullagh and Baltard National School, Doonbeg, and says their future may not be viable.

The National Parents Council Primary says the amalgamation and closure of schools should be an option, but only when other possibilities have been looked at.


Full Story: www.clare.fm

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