Budget cuts will 'negatively affect' quality of education [schooldays.ie]

The standard of education received by children in Ireland is likely to be hit by this week's Budget announcement, which saw funding for the sector slashed.

In a letter to Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn, general secretary of the Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland Pat King warned it would have a "profoundly negative" affect on the quality of teaching.

He criticised the decision to abolish guidance counselling allocations as "ill-considered", stating this will seriously affect the choices youngsters make about their future.

Meanwhile, a cut in the number of teachers at second level will have "catastrophic" impact for the most vulnerable pupils, said general secretary of the Teachers' Union of Ireland Peter MacMenamin.


Full Story: www.schooldays.ie

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Diary of a Schoolteacher: A day trip to city ends with Big Macs and filthysongs [Independent.ie]

Edward is an anomaly in the Windsor clan. The most notorious family in the town, the Windsors are a traditional extended Irish clan who like to drive a wide variety of cars, setting up bonfires and are due an award for their achievements in recycling the contents of household skips.

For starters, fake tan is part and parcel of Edward's school uniform and on the school charity fancy dress days he can always be depended on to steal the show in a very stylish dress and high heels.

I don't mind admitting that I feel quite flattered when he compliments me on a new tie or shoes and throws in a remark along the lines of, "You're quite the fashionista, Sir!"


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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The Skype's the limit as kids get their folks online [Independent.ie]

At the age of 80, Kitty Whelan decided that she wanted to use the Internet. So who better to teach her than her 13-year-old grand-daughter Aine?

Every few days Kitty from Kildare town sits down with Aine and learns basic technological skills, and she now seems well versed in online matters.

Just a few months ago Kitty had never used a computer in her life before,

"I decided I had to learn when my grandson Gary gave me a laptop,'' said the octogenarian internet novice


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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In My Opinion: Parents will have a more active role in how schools adapt to changes [Independent.ie]

Considering the critical role parents play in the lives of their children and how that role is underpinned by the Constitution, parents collectively have had relatively little influence in shaping primary education.

For decades, principals and teachers have been suspicious of enthusiastic parents or parent associations and it was not unusual for schools to have a closed-door policy when it came to parental relationships.

While there have been some examples of groups of parents campaigning for specific causes, the 'ordinary decent parent' has been largely silent and compliant with the status quo.

The status quo is no longer an option.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Education Sector Cuts Announced [schooldays.ie]

A range of measures that will affect the education system been announced as part of yesterday's (December 5th) Budget statement from the government.

As of next year, schools will lose the separate allocation they have for guidance and guidance provisions will therefore have to be managed by schools from within their standard teacher allocations – the Department estimates this will yield net savings of 500 posts when provision is made for the reduced staffing schedule for DEIS schools.

The Back-to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance has also been abolished for two and three-year-olds. In addition the rate of the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance will reduce from €305 to €250 for children aged 12 years or more and from €200 to €150 for children aged 4-11 years.


Full Story: www.schooldays.ie

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