Medium Term Education Capital Investment Framework – Focus on School Projects to meet Rapidly Rising Demographic Demands []

100,000 permanent school places to be provided over next five years

Soaring birth rates are putting unprecedented demands on schools,the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., said today.Recent birth rate data show that 19,950 births were registered in the first quarter of 2011. This was an increase of 7.6% in the number of births registered in the corresponding quarter of 2010.

The figures, published by the Central Statistics Office, represent the highest number of births registered in any quarter since the series began in 1960.

"The demographic challenge facing the education system has not yet been the subject of extensive public discussion," said the Minister who added that "it is vital that the schooling system is prepared to cope with these increased numbers".

Total enrolment in both primary and post-primary schools is expected to grow by almost 70,000 between now and 2018 - over 45,000 at primary level and 25,000 at post primary  - and will continue to grow up to at least 2024 at post-primary level.

The Minister said that his priority is now to focus on major school projects and smaller projects devolved to schools to meet the demographic demands.


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School with no pupils closes doors -- seven weeks into term []

FOR the past seven weeks school principal Denis O'Sullivan has turned up in his classroom from Monday to Friday.

The only problem was when he reached the school building and unlocked the doors there were no pupils there to greet him. The bizarre situation had arisen at Scoil Mhuire National School in Clonkeen, Co Kerry, where no pupils had enrolled for the current academic year.

And although the Department of Education and Skills was very much aware of the situation in advance, it didn't close the school and Mr O'Sullivan was not placed, as expected, on a panel of teachers for transfer.


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Student protests: Tanaiste refuses to rule out budget hike in fees []

TANAISTE Eamon Gilmore has refused to rule out a hike in university fees. Under fire in the Dail over third level education costs, Mr Gilmore would not reveal Budget plans for registration fees and maintenance grants.

The Tanaiste would only say a full review was under way to introduce a funding system to students that would ensure access is available to all.

"No Government is going to announce matters which are appropriate to the Budget in advance of the Budget," he said.

Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin accused the Tanaiste of being dishonest and reneging on his party's pre-election promise to protect students.


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Gilmore avoids tuition fees quiz []

Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore has refused to rule out a hike in university fees.

Under fire in the Dail over third level education costs, Mr Gilmore would not reveal Budget plans for registration fees and maintenance grants.

The Tanaiste would only say a full review was under way to introduce a funding system to students that would ensure access is available to all.

"No Government is going to announce matters which are appropriate to the Budget in advance of the Budget," he said.


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Schools benefiting from donations tax break []

A special tax break has enabled over 160 schools to reclaim money on donations they received worth 250 euros.

Figures obtained from the Revenue Commissioners by RTE revealed 167 institutions took advantage of the school policy, which was introduced by current Minister for Education and Skills Ruairi Quinn when he held the position of Minister for Finance in the 1990s.

A total of 2.25 million euros was paid out by the state during 2010, with three schools receiving between 75,000 and 79,000 euros.

In total, eight reclaimed over 50,000 euros on donations made by pay-as-you-earn workers.


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