Kids carry secret burden of cyberbullying perpetrated outside the school gates []

MORE than a third of young people have been affected by cyberbullying, but many do not tell anyone, research suggests.

The new study also reveals fears among youngsters that cyberbullying will continue to rise.

Cyberbullying is the bullying of another person through technology, such as mobile phones or the internet.

Research commissioned by the Diana Award children's organisation found that 38pc of young people had been victims of, or knew someone who had been a victim of, cyberbullying.

Of these, 39pc said they had experienced cyberbullying once or twice.


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Online :: Third Of Young People Hit By Cyber-Bullying []

More than a third of young people have been affected by cyber-bullying but many fail to tell anyone, according to a new study.

The research also revealed fears among 12-16 year olds that cyber-bullying will continue to rise.

The study commissioned by the Diana Award children's organisation found that 38% of young people had been victims or knew someone who had been a victim.

Of these, 39% said they had experienced it once or twice.

More than one in four, 28%, of those who had experienced it themselves or witnessed it had never told anyone and more than half, 53%, did not save the evidence.


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IVEA Welcomes Provision for 100,000 Permanent School Places []

The announcement today by Minister for Education and Skills Ruairí Quinn that €2.2 billion in capital funding for schools is to be made available over the next five years has been welcomed by the Irish Vocational Education Association (IVEA). IVEA General Secretary Michael Moriarty says:

"The announcement of the provision of over 100,000 permanent school places, which includes over 80,000 additional school places, is very welcome. It is good to see forward planning being undertaken to cater for the increased demand which will be created in the coming years by our recent soaring birth rates. Government projections show that there will be a need for over 20 new schools at primary level and another 20 at second level between now and 2017. The projections also indicate that over 180 existing primary and second-level schools in developing areas will need major extensions or new buildings between now and 2017 to cater for increased demand for pupil places, while a further large number of extensions will be required outside of these areas.


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Childhood obesity presents 'a significant challenge' []

Rising levels of childhood obesity is a concerning trend that could leave youngsters increasing their risk of long-term health problems.

This is the finding of a new report from the Growing Up in Ireland study that found 26 per cent of nine-year-olds in the country have a body mass index (BMI) outside the healthy range - with seven per cent defined as obese.

BMI is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in metres. A result above 25 signifies an individual is overweight, while above 30 is obese.

Launching the document, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Frances Fitzgerald said the findings are "very worrying", as childhood obesity is linked to conditions such as asthma, eczema and type II diabetes.


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Last call for Schools Christmas Card Competition []

QUINN-direct and The Late Late Show are calling for all the last entries for the national competition to design a Christmas Card. Entries have been flooding in from all over the country, and the deadline of Wednesday November 16th is fast approaching. For all the details on the competition see

The winning card will be unveiled on The Late Late Toy show on the 2nd of December and the winner will get an iPad2 and a €10,000 prize fund for his/her school, to help with the cost of books, art supplies and other educational materials. A lucky runner up will also receive a €5,000 prize fund for their school and an iPad 2.


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