ESB Independent Energy challenge []

ESB Independent Energy challenge Waterford schools to 'go green'

ESB Independent Energy has issued a challenge to Waterford schools and businesses to 'go green' and join in this year's An Taisce Green Schools ESB Independent Energy Project. The project, which was launched last week by Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan, encourages primary schools and local businesses to partner up to exchange expertise and devise creative ways to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions.

Speaking last week at the launch of this year's project, which also marked the awarding of the 2,000th Green Flag, Minister Ryan said, "to have reached a point where two thousand of Ireland's National Schools are 'going green' is remarkable". "This is exactly the right approach to be taking – educating the future generations about sustainability and evoking a sense of passion and excitement amongst them about green issues."

Brid Horan, Executive Director Energy Solutions, ESB said: "As a leading provider of green energy, ESB Independent Energy is delighted to support the An Taisce Green Schools Energy Project for this, the third year. It is a unique project that brings together primary school children with local businesses – students are learning about reducing carbon emissions and being greener, and are then transferring this knowledge into positive environmental action at a wider community level."

Patricia Oliver, Director of An Taisce's Environmental Education Unit highlighted the positive impact that the Green-Schools Energy programme has had to date: "Last year alone, 15-20 million units of electricity and 200 million litres of water were saved by Green-Schools throughout Ireland over the school year. This is a fantastic achievement and demonstrative of the effectiveness of projects such as this."


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Calling all budding Irish authors! [], in conjunction with the Irish World, is launching a Short Story Competition specifically for the Irish abroad.


Ten winners will not only get their work published for free, but earn royalties on the sale of their book.


The website was founded by Gemma Phelan, an Irish writer and primary school teacher who wanted to publish her own book, as well as help other writers achieve public and financial success.


Gemma said: “In our endeavour to help writers get published, we are delighted to be holding a short story competition in association with The Irish World newspaper, where writers can submit their stories in either English or Irish.


“The chosen ten will then be compiled into an e-book ©“Short Stories from the Irish Abroad” which will be available for sale/download just in time for Christmas. We look forward to reading all your stories!”


During Gemma’s experience with the traditional publishing process, she connected with other writers facing similar challenges - who felt that regardless of the quality or scope of their material, it would probably never be published.


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Ardfinnan celebrates 100 years of primary school education []

Pupils and staff were joined by past pupils, former staff and many friends from near and far for the occasion which was attended by special guest, Bishop of Waterford and Lismore William Lee.

Ardfinnan National School celebrated its centenary on Sunday on a very proud day for the community.

Candles were brought to the altar at the Mass to represent those that attended the school throughout each decade. The mass was representative of the pupils and staff past and present, Board of Management, Parents Association, parents and grandparents.

Offertory gifts contrasted the old and the new. The gifts included a clock symbolical of the passing of time, an old school bell, and roll books from Ardfinnan, Crough and Gormanstown National Schools.
'The Village School' by John Fitzgerald was recited, reminding us of the pride in Ardfinnan, the different world in 1910 and the proud sport traditions.

Local song writer Stefan Grace penned a song especially for this historic occasion. 'The Song of The Wind' encompassed all that is beautiful in 'The Village' - the castle, the weir, the geese, playing football on the green.


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Antrim murder-sucide: Classmates of couple’s children to be offered counselling []

The North Eastern Education and Library Board confirmed it will be offering counselling at the school of the three siblings — Leah, Daniel and Cal, aged between 5 and 10 — left orphaned by the double tragedy.

Templepatrick Primary School principal Ray Cromie said: “The school community will be offering support to those involved to enable the children to return to school as soon as possible.”

A spokesman for the North Eastern Education and Library Board said: “The Board’s critical incident support team is arranging to offer counselling support for any staff or pupils who request it.

“The principal and staff at the children’s school in Templepatrick have been very shocked by the weekend’s events.”

It is understood the three youngsters could return to their Ballyclare school by the end of the week, after their parents’ funerals, in a desperate bid by heartbroken relatives to try and keep things “as normal for them as possible”, a friend said.

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Education Minister responds to comments made on education []

Responding to the comments made by the British Secretary of State, Education Minister Caitríona Ruane said;

"It is irresponsible to make ill-informed comments about areas which are not your responsibility. Mr Patterson is thankfully not in charge of any Department in the north of Ireland. He is attempting to divert public attention away from the fact that his government is proposing to slash public spending.

“Owen Patterson would be better focussed adhering to the St Andrews governmental agreement.


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