The Asthma Society of Ireland Survey on Asthma Awareness in Schools

The Asthma Society of Ireland has recently launched a survey aimed at primary school teachers to find out their level of awareness and confidence in dealing with children suffering from an asthma attack.

The survey results will enable the ASI to design and implement a suitable training programme for teachers interested in learning more.

Click here to access and respond to the survey .

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No hike in school transport fees for next academic year []

Tens of thousands of hard-pressed families have been granted a temporary reprieve after the government confirmed that it will not raise school transport fees to €500 per pupil in the coming academic year.

However, a department of education spokesman refused to rule out introducing the new charge – which was recommended in the 'An Bord Snip Nua' report – in subsequent years.

In the region of 125,000 pupils around the country avail of school transport daily. But the number of secondary students using school transport actually fell by around 10,000 last year, after a previous hike in charges prompted their hard-pressed parents to source alternative methods of transport.


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Diplomas won't replace A-levels []

Plans which could see A-levels replaced by diplomas will not be extended to Northern Ireland, the Education Minister has said.

Last week, Schools Secretary Ed Balls said that diplomas could replace A-levels as the qualification of choice in schools across England.

His comments came as he announced plans for additional diplomas in science, languages and the humanities in order to increase the options for 14 to 19-year-olds.

While the education sector in Northern Ireland is currently undergoing a massive overhaul, Caitriona Ruane today confirmed she has no such plans to introduce diplomas.

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Department of Education and Skills confirms six new schools []

The Department of Education and Skills has outlined plans to create six new schools across the country, which will be open by the end of 2011.

More than 4,700 students will be accommodated by the new schools, which will be built, financed and maintained by Macquarie Partnerships for Ireland under the Public Private Partnership Programme.

The schools will be situated in Kildare, Limerick, Wicklow and Meath, with two in Cork, and are set to provide students and teachers with modern designs and up-to-date facilities.


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Catholic primary schools 'asked to hand money to church' []

Head teachers at a number of primary schools across the country are furious at a request for money from the Church it has been reported.

According to the Irish Independent, the Catholic Primary School Management Association (CPSMA) - which offers support to 3,000 church-run schools - is asking principals to pay a new membership fee by the end of the month.

"The move comes at a time when the Catholic Church itself is under considerable financial pressure, attracting smaller congregations. It is facing substantial payouts to abuse victims, particularly in the wake of the Ryan Report into clerical sex abuse," the publication noted.


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