Cuts to summer schemes condemned []

Education Minister Caitriona Ruane has blamed education boards for cutting summer schemes for children with special needs.

The Sinn Fein minister also accused the DUP of opposing reforms that would see the boards replaced by a single Education and Skills Authority (ESA).

But MLAs tabled an urgent question at the Assembly to challenge the minister on the removal of funding for a number of summer schemes for children with learning disabilities and asked what her department is doing to help.


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Minister Dempsey welcomes new funding for St. Michael’s Primary School and Centre for Autism, Trim []

Local Minister Noel Dempsey, T.D. today welcomed the announcement made by the Department of Education and Skills that additional funding has been approved for additional accommodation at St. Michael’s Primary School and Centre for Autism, Patrick Street in Trim.

Speaking today Minister Dempsey said: “I am very pleased that the Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills has confirmed to me today for the approval of two ASD classrooms at St. Michael’s Primary School and Centre for Autism in Trim. I know from speaking to local parents and staff at St. Michael’s School and Centre for Autism, what a difference these two new classrooms will bring to the school.”


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Father 'attacked son's teacher' []

An angry father attacked his son's science teacher after the boy complained he was bullying him, a court has heard.

James Buckley punched Stuart Devereux up to 10 times in the head while confronting him after a school meeting to discuss the alleged bullying, it is claimed.

On October 22 last year Mr Devereux sent Year 11 student Matt Buckley from class because the boy refused three times to sit where he was told.

The head teacher at Pensby High School For Boys in Wirral, Merseyside, arranged for the meeting after school that day with Matt's mother Tracey - who is jointly charged with assaulting the teacher.

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Record numbers apply to teach science and maths []

The economic crisis has delivered a boost to secondary schools crying out for maths and science teachers: a huge rise in the number of graduates applying for training.

Applications for science are up by 40% on last year and maths by 33%, according to the Training and Development Agency for Schools.

More women than men are applying, while recruiters have noticed a surge in inquiries from people hoping to switch careers as the recession hits jobs.

The data, provided by the Graduate Teacher Training Registry, shows there were 1,047 maths applicants last year, 528 of them women and 519 men. This year, a total of 1,390 candidates have applied – 714 women and 676 men.

For science, 2009 saw 1,435 applicants (862 women, 573 men), compared with 2,014 candidates this year (1,214 women, 800 men).


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Concerns raised over deficiencies at city Gaelscoil [IrishExaminer]

CONCERNS have been raised by school inspectors about teaching and management at a Gaelscoil operating from a business park.

The whole school evaluation (WSE) report by Department of Education inspectors who visited Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers in Cork last November shows serious deficiencies in leadership and also found that no child protection policy was in place.

The 94-pupil school was set up in 1987 and was previously located in a GAA grounds and in rooms rented from a local secondary school, but is currently located in a business park on the Mallow Road on the city’s northern outskirts.

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