In my opinion: There's more to success than practical intelligence []

The education ministry has been given the title 'Department of Education and Skills'.

The type of skill envisaged in this title is of crucial importance. Given our economic circumstances, the thinking behind this initiative aims to put emphasis on the job-oriented skill of practical intelligence, to prepare students for employment opportunities.

But this is not enough. One wonders just how much educational thought was spent on the new title.

Since almost all second level schools already offer subjects to enhance the skills of practical intelligence, as do Institutes of Technology and specific University courses, what great impact can be made by changing the title of the education ministry from Department of Education & Science to Department of Education and Skills?



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Staff only: Teachers don't top the pile in the genius stakes []

Every Irish school plays host to at least one genius. These men and women would have been great artists and diplomats had they existed in the alternative realities called Europe or the United States.

Very few have managed to escape the drudgery -- Brendan Gleeson, Flann O'Brien and Con Ryan spring to mind. Please sympathise with all the ones that are still being tormented by a Higher Executive Officer or a class room full of sadistic brats.

We all work with a few of these thwarted Leonardos -- those staff members that the rest of us recognise as being 'extremely clever' and 'incredibly sharp'.

The other day I asked a few of the dimmer teachers, like myself, who is the greatest mastermind in our school?


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Pay as you learn -- do schools give kids too many rewards? []

Teachers used to rely on the stick to keep order in classrooms. But with that option now closed there is concern that some have come to rely too heavily on the carrot.

Most schools now have elaborate reward schemes, and well-behaved pupils are liable to return home garlanded with 'pupil of the week' prizes, merit awards of varying descriptions, and other gongs.

If they are particularly good they may acquire enough points for a CD voucher or a trip to the cinema. And they may even receive prizes for not behaving badly.

But now some educationists believe that the Oscar-winner's approach to education -- where even crèches have graduation ceremonies -- has gone too far.


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Having hayfever during exams 'increases the chance of lower marks' []

Schoolchildren who suffer from hayfever are much more likely to get worse marks in exams than their healthy classmates, a new study shows.

Having the debilitating condition can double the chances that their final grade with be worse than those in mock tests.

Researchers said that hayfever can cause children to sleep badly, making them tired during their exams.

The physical symptoms of the condition, which can include blocked nose, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, can also distract them from their exam work.

Prof Stephen Durham, of the Royal Brompton Hospital, Chelsea, told an allergy conference in London: "Hayfever a is a distressing condition that may compromise what for most of us is the best time of the year.


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A happy return to the books []

FOR Catherine Haverty (right), the decision to leave school after her Junior Cert was easy.

"I didn't find it very interesting", said the 26-year-old from Swords, Co Dublin, whose footballer father Joe won seven caps with Ireland while playing with Arsenal and Shelbourne.

What a difference a decade makes -- Catherine has progressed to her Leaving Certificate and has been "really enjoying" her return to the classroom.

Catherine's departure from school came as the economic boom was taking off and she worked in several retail stores, with no difficulty getting a job.


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