Maths should be counted in points total, say experts []

STUDENTS may have to include maths in their CAO points total under a proposal made in a top-level report to Education Minster Mary Coughlan.

It suggests making it mandatory either for students to count maths among their six best subjects for college entry in future -- or to widen the scope of the points system to include seven subjects, one of which would be maths.

The report from a group of industry and education experts notes the tendency for students to use maths as a spare subject, rather than as one of the six core subjects for CAO points.

Most Leaving Certificate students take seven subjects -- the best six are counted for CAO points purposes, at a maximum of 100 points each at higher level.



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Don't let your kids fall through the net [IrishTimes]

From illegal file-sharing to online grooming, cyber bullying and exposure to explicit sexual material, the internet is fraught with potential pitfalls – but there are steps you can take to police your children’s online usage

ONCE CHILDREN are allowed to go out without a parent, they should know the drill: the who, what, where and when.

Up to at least the age of 18 they should be expected to answer: where are you going? Who will you be with? What will you be doing? When will you be back? It is a routine interaction as parents set down ground rules in the real world.

It should be no different when children are venturing into the online world unsupervised – parents need to know what they are doing. Is it safe and is it legal?


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493 primary schools get science and maths excellence award []

As part of the Discover Primary Science programme, Discover Science & Engineering (DSE) has announced that 493 primary schools around Ireland have received an award of science and maths excellence.

The award acknowledges both primary school students and teachers who have demonstrated both good knowledge and clever application of science and maths in the classroom within the curriculum.

The programme is in its sixth year and has more than 3,000 participating schools with more than 3,700 teachers registered.

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Summer Works Approved For 6 Additional Clare Schools []

Minister for Defence Tony Killeen has confirmed that six additional County Clare schools have been approved funding under the Summer Works Scheme 2010.

The Clare T.D. said the three Primary and three Secondary schools have successfully secured grants to undertake small scale works following respective appeals to the Department of Education and Skills.

The schools were not originally included in a list of 49 Clare schools, announced in April.

The annual scheme covers school projects such as electrical and mechanical works, roof replacements and repairs, window replacement, toilet upgrades, structural improvements and access works.


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Five pupil school fights for survival []

PARENTS at a school which has only five pupils and one of them is leaving – are staging a last gasp effort to prevent its closure.

Unless there is a last minute reprieve, Annaghmore national school, which is about three miles from Gurteen, will close at the end of the present school year in about three weeks time.

The three-classroom school has been in existence for nearly half a century, having been built in 1963. It replaced an older school, built in the previous century.

Up until about 10 years ago the school had around 50 to 60 pupils. But in recent years numbers have fallen away drastically.


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