Tánaiste opens new Educate Together school in Newbridge [education.ie]

The Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Mary Coughlan TD, today officially opened Newbridge Educate Together - a new 16-classroom school at the Curragh, Co. Kildare.

The former Sundai Ireland International Japanese School in Newbridge was converted to provide accommodation for Newbridge Educate Together and Gaelscoil Chill Dara at a cost of over €3 million.

The school, which was completed in October 2009, has 16 classrooms, six support rooms, two playgrounds, basketball courts and a general purpose hall.

The school has 205 pupils and a staff of 17.

Speaking at the school today, the Tánaiste said she was delighted to be opening the wonderful new facility in Newbridge.


Full Story: www.education.ie

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Warning on science slump in schools [learningireland.ie]

GROWING numbers of students are not taking any science subject at second level, prompting fears over skill levels among future workers.

The warning on the low take-up of science came yesterday as Taoiseach Brian Cowen emphasised once again the need to create a "smart economy" around technological innovation and expertise. The Institute of Physics said the increase in schools dropping science subjects because of education cut backs was a "national emergency".

Already, 14pc of schools have dropped one science subject this year, with physics the most likely victim.


Full Story: www.learningireland.ie

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In my opinion: We need to rediscover our values -- and bring back Latin [Independent.ie]

Over a hundred students still sit the Leaving Certificate Higher Latin paper each year, but the numbers are declining and within the next few years some of the teachers will be retiring. Will they be replaced? If Latin disappears, will anyone miss it?

The Classical Association of Ireland and a small group of teachers, who have set up The Academy, feel passionately that this will be an avoidable tragedy. The classical world continues to be a source of fascination to young and old alike. Latin and Greek have enriched the lives of successive generations for over 2,000 years.

The Greeks were the creators of our Western civilisation by laying the foundations of Western philosophy, drama, architecture, sculpture, democracy, poetry and a flexible language.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Staff only: The classroom's a stage -- and the Oscar goes to... [Independent.ie]

I have always maintained that teaching is similar to acting. You are on show, with an audience and you're trying your best to deliver your lines without making a mess of things.

They're watching you -- checking out what you're wearing and waiting for you to slip up -- that is if you've managed to get their attention in the first place, which of course is where the analogy falls apart. Lose their attention in the theatre and there isn't much you can do, but still, teachers can fight back with a number of weapons. I tend to rely on snide comments, vicious threats and screaming histrionics.

It can't be denied that most teachers are actors of some sort, as they appropriate certain mannerisms, vocabulary and even a costume in the form of the reliable tweed jacket for the men or muted tones for the ladies, all in order to keep some kind of distance that will keep their class under control and their private lives private.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Cure Ireland's debt disease -- teach our children to save [Independent.ie]

On a Wednesday morning in the canteen at St Leo's College students queue up to lodge money in their school credit union.

A laptop containing details of student accounts is set up at a counter as pupils deposit their cash in small amounts.

They cannot borrow money or run up overdrafts, but they are being taught how to save. Perhaps it is a skill that we should learn before the next boom and bust.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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