Tánaiste opens demonstration library in St Aidan's Community School, Tallaght [education.ie]

The demonstration library in St Aidan's Community School, Brookfield, Tallaght, is an outstanding resource that will provide a critical tool in addressing the students' literacy needs, according to the Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Mary Coughlan TD.

The Demonstration Libraries Project was established in 2001, when the Department of Education and Skills set up eleven libraries in schools participating in the Junior Certificate School Programme (JCSP).

The JCSP operates as an intervention at Junior Cycle for students, who for a variety of reasons, have experienced difficulties in school and are considered to be at risk of leaving school early.

It provides a curriculum framework which assists schools and teachers in adopting a student-centred approach to education.

The Programme gives students enhanced opportunities to engage with the curriculum and to achieve success at school.


Full Story: www.education.ie

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Ombudsman for Children Report documents abject failure of Government to protect children [alanshatter.ie]

The report published today (Tuesday) by the Ombudsman for Children is yet another damning indictment of the State’s failure to provide to children at risk the protection to which they are entitled, according to Fine Gael Children Spokesperson, Alan Shatter TD.

“It starkly exposes the abject failure of Government to take the steps necessary to ensure the consistent application of the Children First: National Protection Guidelines of 1999. The finding of the Ombudsman against the Office of the Minister for Children that such failure constituted ‘unsound administration’ within the meaning of Section 8 of the Ombudsman for Children Act 2002 confirms that successive Fianna Fáil-led Governments and Ministers for Children have simply paid lip service to child protection.


Full Story: www.alanshatter.ie

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Talkback [IrishTimes]

Teachers should back the Croke Park deal says BRIAN MOONEY

OVER 50,000 teachers are this week considering how they might vote in the ballot on the Croke Park deal for pay and reform in the public service.

My consideration of this issue comes against the backdrop of chaos in Greece, where three people have died in protests at the austerity measures which form part as of the EU/IMF rescue package. Every teacher – across the three teacher unions – has an obligation to vote. This is, arguably, the most important ballot for generations. We must all consider the consequences of acceptance or rejection of this deal for Irish society.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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Public sector not paying its way [Independent.ie]

I suspect that Sean Fallon's figures don't add up ('Public sector paying its way', Letters, May 10).

The ASTI website mentions a contribution of between 3.5pc and 5pc and the INTO has a salary/pension calculator but it is password protected. What have they got to hide?

But let us run with Mr Fallon's mythical 21pc and apply it to a primary school teacher with 20 years' service who is on about €52,000 a year.

They can expect a half pension of €26,000 and are paying, according to Mr Fallon, 21pc for the privilege. So 21pc of €52,000 is €11,000, or €210 a week, for their pension.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Schools wary of over-regulation on bullying issue [IrishExaminer]

SCHOOLS need to constantly update their own behaviour rules to discourage and punish bullying, but are wary of over-regulation by Government on the issue, a second-level schools organisation said.

The parents of a Cork teenager whose suicide three years ago was linked to bullying at school claimed at the weekend that the Government should do more to tackle the problem.

Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com

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