Challenges for our education system []

Sir, We are all committed to improving education. It is an issue central to the future success of our nation, and it demands insight and dedication from government and from every one of us.

Significant advances were made under Lord Adonis, the former Education Minister. His vision and energy forged the academies programme that helped to bridge the gap between our finest independent schools and some of the poorest- performing schools. The academies policy, which encouraged innovation and assimilating best-business practices, has now lost its focus and become burdened with bureaucratic box ticking. The Government insists that results are improving and that the latest school leavers are the best educated yet. But the reality is quite different. The last Institute of Directors education survey found that only a quarter of businesses think that young people are well prepared for the workplace. Only a third thinks that the quality of school education has improved since 1997, despite a huge increase in spending.


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Religious control of schools a 'very fraught' issue [IrishTimes]

THE ISSUE of religious control of schools is “very fraught” and will pose difficult challenges for the Government, Minister for Education Mary Coughlan has been warned by her department.

In briefing material which was prepared for the newly appointed Minister last March, Ms Coughlan was told of growing calls for a secular and less segregated system of education.

However, officials also said demand for Catholic schools remained strong, with fresh requests for new Catholic secondary schools in parts of the country where there had been an increase in population.


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Schools forced to pay huge gas bills during holidays []

CASH-strapped schools are furious they have to pay for gas on days they don't open.

Their bills clock up even when the heating and hot water are turned off because of how the pricing structure operates.

A school's total bill includes a standing charge, which is levied on all bigger consumers.

Schools claim they are being treated like small businesses and are demanding that they don't pay the charge for days they are closed.

Fine Gael education spokesperson Brian Hayes last night said it amounted to a "rip off".


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Parents demand end to teacher action [IrishExaminer]

THE head of the group representing second-level parents has urged teacher unions to end industrial action which is deepening a management crisis in schools.

For two months, the Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI) and Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) have banned members in management roles in second-level schools from switching roles to take on priority duties previously done by retired colleagues.


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Minister “cannot shelter education” from further cuts []

Minister Coughlan told delegates at the INTO conference that we are still not “out of the woods”, we have “more to do to fully stabilise our public finances”.

Remarks by An Tánaiste Mary Coughlan, Minister for Education and Skills, at the annual congress of the Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) in Salthill Hotel, Galway, 5-7 April 2010:

A Uachtaráin, a Aire, a thoscairí, a chomhpháirtithe san oideachas, a aíonna speisialta, táim fíor-shásta a bheith anseo libh ag an gComhdháil seo inniu.

I am very grateful for the invitation to join you at Congress this morning. This is not just my first teacher conference as Education Minister, but it is also my first significant opportunity to directly address partners in the sector following my appointment just two weeks ago today.


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