Coughlan 'insulted' principals of schools [IrishTimes]

A SENIOR school leader has accused Minister for Education Mary Coughlan of insulting remarks after she signalled schools were fortunate to retain principals and deputy principals in the current economic climate.

Ferdia Kelly, head of the Joint Managerial Body (JMB) which which represents more than 400 school managers, said he found the Minister’s suggestion “that we are lucky to be able to appoint principals and deputy principals insulting”.

He also took issue with the Minister’s remarks that additional teachers will be provided to meet the projected growth in pupil numbers.


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Principals accuse Tánaiste of insulting them over vacant posts [IrishExaminer]

TÁNAISTE Mary Coughlan was accused of insulting principals last night after telling them they were lucky their jobs will continue to be filled when they retire while other management posts are left vacant.

The Education Minister told a conference of second-level principals and board chairpersons that she will soon announce details of how they will be allowed to fill some middle management posts left vacant up to a year because of a public service promotions ban.


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26% of funding for schools raised in local community [IrishTimes]

SCHOOLS SHORTFALL: MORE THAN 25 per cent of funding for schools has to be raised locally by parents and communities, a senior school leader said yesterday.

Noel Merrick, president of the group which represents over 400 school managers, said many schools would have closed long ago but for the assistance of local communities.

There is, he said, no other State funded system in the developed world where non-fee paying schools have to struggle with all types of fundraising just to pay day-to-day bills.


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4 months in and only 10% of budgt spent []

Information released to Fine Gael Education Spokesman, Brian Hayes TD, shows that one-third of the way into 2010, only 11% of money allocated for school buildings has been spent.

€579 million was allocated for the 2010 school building programme but, according to a Parliamentary Question tabled by Deputy Hayes, as of the end of April only €65 million of this has been allocated.

“The new FF Education Minister is continuing where the old one left off - leaving parents, students and schools in the lurch.


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Parents give 26pc of school funding []

A QUARTER of the funding of secondary schools comes from parents and local fund raising, a conference was told yesterday, writes John Walshe.

But a schools' leader issued a strong warning that in current circumstances "that is simply untenable".

"In particular, our smaller schools that are providing a magnificent service to their local communities are facing extinction due to lack of funding," said Noel Merrick in his presidential address to the Catholic school managers' conference in Kilkenny.


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