Discrimination talk turns to gender imbalance in union [IrishTimes]

EQUALITY: A LIVELY discussion about gender discrimination branched into a wider debate about gender imbalance in the ASTI itself, at the union’s convention in Galway.

Leading on from a discussion about the lack of female head teachers in the country – just 20 per cent of co-educational schools have a female principal – attention quickly turned to the union. Deirdre Healy, a Dublin delegate, said: “There must be obstacles blocking women from operating in our union at a senior level,” citing the fact that out of 18 standing committee regions, just seven are represented by women.

Galway delegate Maura Greaney pointed to the male dominance at the conference top table. Sixty-eight per cent of ASTI membership was female, she said, “but for the last three years the candidates for the ASTI presidency have been all male . . . It is vitally important that women pursue key decision-making positions.”


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Delegate urges retired staff not to work as substitutes [IrishTimes]

ASSOCIATION OF SECONDARY TEACHERS, IRELAND: RETIRED TEACHERS who take substitute teaching hours in schools are an embarrassment to their working colleagues, delegates at the Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland (ASTI) convention were told yesterday.

In an impassioned speech, Tipperary delegate Mary Lysaght called on retirees not to work hours that could be taken by young and part-time teachers. “You served Ireland extremely well,” she said. “You’ve made your contribution . . . We have so many young teachers out there who have no living of any kind.”


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ASTI leaders out of step with members' militant tendency [IrishTimes]

Union rank and file are in no mood to reach a compromise on what they consider core principles, which is bad news for the leadership that brokered the deal, writes GRÁINNE FALLER

THE MOOD at the ASTI convention this year had a militant edge.

Like the other union conferences, the deal agreed between the Government and union leaders on public services pay and reform dominated discussion and debate.


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Secondary schools to get guidelines on gay rights [eecho.ie]

Secondary schools are to get guidelines on how to combat the harassment of gay and lesbian teachers.

The Association of Secondary Teachers of Ireland has compiled a code of practice on equal gay rights and will issue it to schools next week.

The code will deal with the homophobic harassment and victimisation of staff.

Head of the union’s equal opportunities committee Mary Ohle says teachers working in religious-run schools are "afraid to come out".

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Rejection of deal may result in tougher industrial action [IrishExaminer]

SECONDARY school teachers angrily rejected the public sector pay deal, heralding a split within the trade union movement and the possibility of heightened industrial action in schools.

At the Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland (ASTI) annual conference in Galway yesterday, delegates unanimously backed an emergency motion rejecting the proposed Public Service Agreement.

Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com 

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