Teachers' union to issue guidelines on homophobic harassment [IrishExaminer]

The country’s main secondary teachers union be will issuing guidelines to schools next week on how to confront homophobic harassment and victimisation.

The Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland’s code of practice will work to ensure that teachers will be treated equally regardless of their sexual orientation.

The ASTI has also worked with the Gay and Lesbian Network on combating homophobic bullying amongst students.

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Call for retention of supply teacher panels [IrishTimes]

SUBSTITUTE COVER: THE INTO has backed a motion which calls for the retention of supply teacher panels.

The abolition of the scheme providing a panel of supply teachers to cover sick leave for some primary schools was “shortsighted” and would affect disadvantaged schools hardest, the conference was told. The scheme was piloted in 1993 and extended and made permanent in 1998.

Its purpose was to provide substitute cover for teachers absent for up to four weeks.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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INTO members to ballot on public service pay deal [IrishExaminer]

A BALLOT of 32,000 primary teachers on the public service pay deal will go ahead despite efforts to delay it until their union leaders could clarify the possible implications for members’ terms and conditions.

A motion debated behind closed doors at the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) congress sought that a ballot could only take place after full details of a proposed review of teachers’ contracts were made known. However, that aspect of a wider motion on the deal was rejected by 306 votes to 248, freeing the INTO executive to issue the ballot in the next month or so, with a recommendation that it be accepted.

Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com 

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Angry reception for new Minister [galwayindependent.ie]

"If you don't believe everything you hear about teachers, we won't believe everything we hear about you."

An Tanaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Mary Coughlan TD gets a police escort through protestors at the INTO annual congress in the Salthill Hotel on Tuesday morning. Photo: Joe Travers

That was stern warning from incoming INTO General Secretary Sheila Nunan to An Tanaiste and newly appointed Minister for Education and Skills Mary Coughlan at the INTO annual congress in Salthill yesterday.

The Minister faced hoards of angry protesters and was jeered throughout her maiden speech to the congress by angry teachers, calling for a "better and fairer" approach to public service pay and conditions.


Full Story: www.galwayindependent.ie

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Younger teachers notable by their absence [IrishTimes]

As veteran delegates railed against the pay deal, the group most vulnerable in all this appear to have little interest in their union, writes SEAN FLYNN

THERE WAS plenty of cabaret as ASTI delegates debated the Croke Park pay deal yesterday.

Perhaps, “debate” is not the correct word. In stark contrast with the INTO a day earlier, few dissenting voices were heard as a long procession of speakers – about 30 in all – denounced the “dastardly deal”.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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