SNA cuts won’t be known until March []

THE number of special needs assistants (SNAs) being cut from schools will not be made known until a review is completed next month, Education Minister Batt O’Keeffe has insisted.

Although he rejects the loss of 1,200 jobs projected by the Irish Examiner, based on the outcome of a review at almost a quarter of the country’s 4,000 schools last summer, the minister said it would be wrong to disclose the number of SNA positions already axed.

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Why must agnostics be obliged to teach faith? [IrishTimes]

IMAGINE A country in which entry to a major profession is subject to a test of one’s private beliefs. A Soviet satellite in the old eastern bloc? Iran? Saudi Arabia? How about Ireland?

Welcome to the Republic.

Last week’s Irish Times poll brought the welcome news that 61 per cent of people no longer support the control of our primary education system by the Catholic Church. One thing that has been left out of the debate, however, is the stark reality that no one can train to be a primary teacher in Ireland unless he or she is either a believing Christian or is prepared to pretend to be so.


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Maths ability varies among teachers [IrishTimes]

MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE levels varied substantially among primary teachers, a survey published today shows.

The study of more than 500 teachers in Ireland found that most were good at algebra.

Most were also good at identifying and classifying errors made by students in their work, and at matching diagrams with fraction calculations. Irish teachers found it more difficult to know whether a student’s explanation showed understanding, and whether common “rules of thumb” given to students are always true.


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Schools get warning on widespread CCTV use []

MOST secondary schools have installed CCTV cameras to counter problems such as bullying and vandalism.

Cameras are also becoming a growing feature at primary level, but schools have been warned they may be in breach of data protection laws.

One second-level teacher took a challenge on data protection grounds when a camera was used as part of an investigation into an incident at a school.


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School boards need to look at spending []

I am responding to your article 'Catastrophic cuts for Northern Ireland schools' (January 28).

Perhaps the education boards could look again at the huge amount of money they spend providing a door-to-door taxi service for hundreds of youngsters who do not want to go to school.

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