Symposium discusses mathematics education []

The current state of mathematics education in Ireland was discussed at a symposium earlier this week at Trinity College Dublin.

Participants heard that the poor take-up of the subject in the higher level Leaving Certificate is a cause for concern, not only from a rounded education perspective but also in terms of supporting the Irish economy.


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Special needs challenge to minister [IrishExaminer]

EDUCATION Minister Batt O’Keeffe was disingenuous in his assertion (February 1) that "we know from history that an estimate by a trade union should never be accepted as an undisputed fact in a news story".

The minister knows well, based on correspondence sent by IMPACT to his own office, that the estimated figure of 1,200 special needs assistant (SNA) posts is based on figures released in June 2009 by the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) which is carrying out the review of these posts.

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Call for church and State to be separated [IrishTimes]

IRELAND NEEDS complete separation of the Catholic Church and State as a matter of urgency, the Leviathan political cabaret heard in Dublin last night.

Former Labour Party general secretary Brendan Halligan, now chairman of the Institute of International and European Affairs, said the church should no longer have a role in primary education.

“No question they should be taken out of primary education as soon as possible. We need proper and thorough complete separation of church and State,” Mr Halligan said.


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Church's role in primary education [IrishTimes]

Madam, – I must take issue with Colm Fitzpatrick’s statement that “Atheism is as much a belief system as any faith” (February 3rd). This assumes the existence of God(s); with a choice of believing in that existence, or believing otherwise. This is not so. As far as I am aware there is no verifiable proof for the existence of any God (although I will gladly examine any should it become available), only a variety of religions that believe in such a deity’s existence. Atheism is not comparable to any belief system, in the same way that dark is not the opposite of light, it is the absence of light. – Yours, etc,


Mount Eagle,

Dublin 18.


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Special needs law ‘needs to be implemented’ [IrishExaminer]

THE Government must put more urgency on implementing laws giving rights to supports in school for children with disabilities, a parents’ leader has claimed.

The roll-out of the 2004 Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs (EPSEN) Act was put on hold in the October 2008 budget but the revised Programme for Government last October makes a commitment that it will be fully implemented in the lifetime of the Fianna Fáil-Green Party coalition.

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