Nine out of 10 primary schools are under Catholic patronage [IrishTimes]

How much power does the Catholic Church wield in primary education?, asks SEÁN FLYNN, Education Editor

What is the extent of church involvement in primary schools?

Today, the Catholic Church is patron of more than 90 per cent of primary schools in the State. Of the 3,169 primary schools, 2,894 are under Catholic patronage. Most of the others are under the control of other churches.

How much power does the Catholic Church exercise in schools?

It’s considerable. Like every other patron, the local bishop appoints all principal teachers. He also nominates two of each eight-member board of management, including the chairperson. The patron must also approve all teacher appointments or dismissals made by the board. In certain circumstances, the patron can also stand down the board.


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Prefabs bill almost halves as schools opt to build permanent classrooms [IrishExaminer]

THE cost of renting and buying prefabs almost halved last year as schools are using funds to build classrooms instead, Education Minister Batt O’Keeffe revealed yesterday.

While €46 million was still spent by the Department of Education last year, it compares to a massive bill of almost €80m in 2008. The rental budget fell from €53m to €39m, while only €7m was spent on the purchase of prefabs compared to €26m the year before.

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Fifteen under-14s gave birth in 3-month period [IrishExaminer]

FIFTEEN people, themselves just children, gave birth during a single three-month period last year.

The girls, aged 14 years or younger, were among 250 under-18s who became mothers between April and June 2009.

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has confirmed that despite a fall in the number of teenage births over the past decade, a significant number of cases are continuing to be reported.

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Up to 1,000 special needs posts may be cut [IrishTimes]

UP TO 1,000 posts of special needs assistants (SNAs) could be abolished in the coming weeks as the Department of Education imposes new cutbacks.

There were widespread reports from schools yesterday that hundreds of SNAs are set to lose their posts after a spending review.


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Cardinal defends right of church to have role in State schools [IrishTimes]

IT IS “blatantly unjust” and “a complete red herring” to say that the Catholic Church has no right to be involved in schools that receive State funding, Cardinal Seán Brady said yesterday, in a strong defence of the role of the church in education.

The Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland said parents had a right to have their children educated in accordance with their philosophical and religious convictions and the State had a duty to support this with public funds.


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