Unions step up work-to-rule threat [Herald.ie]

Unions have threatened to intensify a work-to-rule over the Government's 1 billion euro spending cuts despite pleas for talks to limit the damaging row.

In a hard-line response, the four main teaching unions warned they were prepared to deepen the dispute over the next few weeks.

A spokesman said: "Members of all the unions are extremely angry and frustrated at the effect of the two pay cuts imposed by Government in the last 12 months and the unions are determined to respond to this."


Full Story: www.herald.ie

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Teachers campaign to reverse freeze on filling posts [Independent.ie]

Schools have been warned that problems with classroom discipline will increase if the Government does not reverse a freeze on filling middle-management posts.

And hostilities between teachers and the Government will intensify if the unions escalate their campaign against the government-imposed moratorium on filling the posts.

Up to now, a major headache has been avoided by rotating other staff for positions that are not being filled.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Education Unions review work-to-rule campaign [educationmatters.ie]

The presidents and general secretaries of the the four education unions - ASTI, IFUT, INTO and TUI - issued a joint statement on January 25:

The presidents and general secretaries of the four teacher and lecturers union met on January 25 to review the operation of recently issued work to rule directives to their members. These directives are the first phase of the unions’ campaign against the public service cuts.

After the meeting, a spokesperson for the unions said the public service campaign would be kept under review over the coming weeks with a view to increasing the intensity of industrial action.


Full Story: www.educationmatters.ie

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Education must come above all [Independent.ie]

RELATIONS between the Department of Education and the teachers' unions are worsening in tandem with the strain on school managements caused by the public spending cuts. And in their responses to their members' difficulties, the unions have not always acted wisely.

In fairness, long before the cuts hit them they constantly and loudly called attention to the problems that beset the system as a whole.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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ASTI general secretary to retire this year [educationmatters.ie]

John White, general secretary of the Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI), is to retire in Sept 2010 after six years as head of the union.

Mr White has been widely praised for his measured leadership style and he recently received an honorary degree from the National University of Ireland. (Source: Irish Times)

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