Minister is complacent on the realities of racism [IrishExaminer]

INTEGRATION Minister John Curran’s apparent complacency about the realities of life for those members of Irish society (whether "non-national" or otherwise) who experience racism and discrimination here is worrying.

The minister dismisses the results of a major survey designed by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights to provide data that can be used to inform evidence-based policies (the EU Minorities and Discrimination Survey – EU-MIDIS) with the somewhat mystifying remark that "the methodology used in Ireland for the survey was different to that used in other countries and, more importantly, was only carried out in Dublin".

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Schools could face increase of 100% in water bills []

The 1st of January 2010 saw the start of metered water charging in every school across the country. Based on a Labour Party survey of water charges in each local authority area, (see attached). schools could face an average increase of 100% in their water bills if water conservation measures aren't introduced immediately.

Unless water conservation measures are taken to reduce consumption, schools could face massive rises in their current water charges. Schools need to be informed of how simple changes can result in big savings so that the little money our schools have can be spent on children, not service charges.


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Talks held over missed school time [IrishTimes]

The Department of Education said today it is still in consultation with teachers unions over how to make up for classes missed due to the bad weather and said no decision has been reached as to how to resolve the issue.

The Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI), which represents over 14,500 teachers, has advised its members not to make up for lost classes outside regular working hours.


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2010 Water-saving measures will help schools keep bills down []

New water conservation measures under this year's Summer Works Scheme will help schools to cover metered water costs, according to the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD, who was responding to a statement from the Labour Party today (Monday).

Minister O'Keeffe said his move to include water conservation measures in this year's Summer Works Scheme anticipated the impact of metered water costs on schools' budgets.

"Since my announcement last October, my Department has received over 2,300 applications for the Summer Works Scheme.

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Teachers need more training to deal with abuse allegations []

Teacher training on how to deal with child abuse allegations is insufficient and needs to be ‘‘ramped up’’, according to the new head of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO).

Sheila Nunan, the incoming general secretary of the union, said more individual training was needed to ensure children were protected and that their claims were followed up correctly.


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