Pupils home again as water shortages now close schools [Independent.ie]

Thousands of pupils were back at home yesterday after lack of water forced schools to close again after only their first or second day back in class after Christmas.

In Dublin city, at least 20 schools have run out of water, the worst affected areas being Rathmines-Terenure, Cabra, Coolock and Finglas.

A range of other weather-related problems, including frozen and burst pipes and overflowing and burst water tanks, are continuing to cause difficulties to schools all over the country.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Principals Welcome clarity following decision to close schools

The decision by Minister for Education & Science, Batt O’Keeffe  to close schools for three days next week has received a mixed reaction from Primary Principals and School Chairpersons.  The greater majority of Principals have welcomed the fact that the Minister has provided direction said Seán Cottrell, IPPN Director. It appears that this decision was taken by Minister O’Keeffe after a meeting of the National Emergency Committee. The forecast of severe weather during the first half of next week presents a real threat to the safety of children, parents and teaching staff.  The decision will prove to be wise because it will reduce unnecessary travel in areas that have been affected by severe weather conditions said Mr Cottrell. Principals and teachers who have ‘battled’ the elements to get to schools amidst increased numbers of casualties prevents accidents and protects lives that otherwise may be lost

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TextaParent: Just-in time school information for parents

The greatest challenge facing Principals this weekend is how to inform parents if their child’s school will be open or closed on Monday (11th January).  TextaParent.ie is a service provided by the Irish Primary Principals’ Network (IPPN) used to send instant messages to parents and staff.  The severe weather conditions forecasted to continue for at least another week will leave parents and Principals in a state of uncertainty. 

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50 Primary Principals speak out against Independent Newspapers’ “Building for the Future” promotion. [indymedia.ie]

“We the undersigned 50 Primary school principals condemn and refuse to partake in the Irish Independent’s “Building for the Future” scheme being launched this week.

We abhor the quota of 20 tokens per pupil from Independent Newspapers required of all schools wishing to submit a project for this sponsored competition.

Independent Newspapers while posturing as benefactors are, in reality, seeking to exploit schools, boost sales and make life uncomfortable for children whose parents do not buy the sponsors newspapers.


Full Story: www.indymedia.ie

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Teachers will ensure students don't suffer from lost days [leinsterleader.ie]

Teachers will always make up the work and students will not suffer – that's the view of the Principal of a Kildare school in light of the days that were lost as a result of the bad weather.

Patricia O'Brien, the principal of St. Farnan's Post Primary School, Prosperous said she did not believe there was any cause for concern after the school was forced to lose extra days as a result of the snow and the decision from Minister for Education Batt O'Keeffe to close the nation's schools.


Full Story: www.leinsterleader.ie

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