Minister O'Keeffe to allow schools to reopen tomorrow []

Arising from an update on the weather the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD, has decided that the normal arrangements whereby schools decide to open or close based on local circumstances should be re-instated.

This means that schools in a position to open tomorrow (Tuesday) should do so.

Minister O'Keeffe took his decision based on weather advice given to this morning's meeting of the Government's emergency planning group and the unexpected rise in temperatures that has occurred in parts of the country.


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O'Keeffe holds to decision to close schools [IrishTimes]

SCHOOL CLOSURES: MINISTER FOR Education Batt O’Keeffe is holding to his decision to shut the country’s schools for three days from today in spite of improving weather in many areas.

His spokesman said yesterday there was “no change” to the Minister’s instruction on Friday that all schools close until Thursday because of the weather.


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Fury over O'Keeffe's decision to close all schools []

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe faces a furious backlash over his decision to impose a blanket three-day closure on the country's 4,000 schools from today.

More than 1,000 primary schools say there was no need for them to shut and Mr O'Keeffe now faces a battle with schools over making up for lost days.


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Freeze costing the economy €500m a week, warns expert []

THE big freeze is costing the economy more than €500m a week, according to a leading economist.

Retailers are taking the biggest hit as consumers avoid the dangerous roads and slush and muck of the high street during what is normally the most lucrative period of the year.

And with more bad weather forecast, the freezing conditions could not come at a worse time as public-sector wages are slashed and visa bills traditionally arrive near the end of the month.


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O'Keeffe faces storm over closed schools []

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe faces a furious backlash over his decision to impose a blanket three-day closure on the country's 4,000 schools from today, writes Katherine Donnelly.

As parts of the country experienced the first signs of a thaw yesterday, more than 1,000 primary schools said there was no need for them to shut.


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