Defence Forces urged to help schools [IrishTimes]

THE DEFENCE Forces could make a significant contribution to addressing the problem of obesity among young people by working with schools to improve fitness levels among students, an Oireachtas committee was told yesterday.

Dr Noel Richardson, a retired member of the Defence Forces and a trained PE teacher who now works at the Carlow Institute of Technology, told the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women’s Rights that the majority of school children in Ireland were not meeting the recommended guidelines of 60 minutes physical activity a day.


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Public sector strikes cannot refill the benchmarking ‘ATM machine’ [IrishExaminer]

IN his response to my previous correspondence (December 17), Anthony Leavy is mistaken on a number of points (Letters, December 29).

First, I have not ignored the reason the state faces unprecedented fiscal challenges.

The blame for that quite rightly lies at the feet of the Government for its reckless fiscal policies.

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Why American bosses say Irish schools could do better []

US multinationals have caused some soul-searching among teachers and educators after their severe criticisms of the Irish education system.

The American Chamber of Commerce Ireland -- an influential body that represents some of our biggest employers -- believes the school system places too much emphasis on rote learning.

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Why give Batt the cold shoulder? [IrishExaminer]

EDUCATION Minister Batt O’Keeffe’s decision initially to close the country’s schools until tomorrow caused outrage in Fine Gael and the media.

However, the decision taken was clearly based on the weather forecast at the time which predicted continuing severe weather for up to 10 days.

Fine Gael and the media turned on the minister for taking decisive action based on what was a particularly bad forecast on Friday last.

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Schools struggle with water shortages as pipes burst and leak [IrishExaminer]

WATER shortages are the latest cause of concern for schools as local authorities around the country are struggling to restore and preserve supplies.

With freezing pipes, bursts and leaks in water mains being reported in most parts of the country, principals were trying to find out last night if they could expect to have enough water to allow pupils return to classes.

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