Noticeboard [Irish Times]

A round-up of upcoming education events

Science Lecture at UCC

“Microbes and Mankind – how bacteria and viruses shape humanity” is the title of the lecture at UCC, Lecture Theatre G01, Brookfield Health Science Building, College Road on Thursday, November 12th from 7.30pm to 9pm. All welcome, admission free.

National Pharmacy Internship Programme

A national pharmacy internship programme has been launched, introducing a Masters in Pharmacy to Ireland. The new programme will be delivered by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.


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Bishops to start talks on historic handover of building

HISTORIC talks get under way next week on the handing over of some of the Catholic Church's 3,200 primary schools to the State.

Catholic bishops, led by the Archbishop of Dublin Dr Diarmuid Martin and the Chair of the Bishops' Commission for Education, Bishop Leo O'Reilly, will meet officials of the Department of Education and Science on Thursday.

The Catholic Church is patron of 92pc of primary schools and the process represents the biggest shake-up in Irish education for decades.

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Remove all schools from church control [Irish Examiner]

THE recent pronouncements by Archbishop Neill and Bishop Colton regarding the level of State subvention to Protestant schools give a rare example of the Church of Ireland sticking its head above the level of the defensive parapet, which has been rigidly in place since 1922.

They may not have chosen the best time for a public fight, given the present level of general economic fear and uncertainty and the perception that we are hardly the most disadvantaged section of society. Indeed, Bishop Colton seems to have already encountered some rhetorical "sniper fire" which I feel he might have anticipated.

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Teachers are being vilified, says ASTI [IrishTimes]

TEACHERS ARE being “vilified” and their terms and conditions of employment have never before been under such attack, the ASTI has said at its centenary education conference in Dublin.

ASTI general secretary John White told the meeting on Saturday that teachers were being vilified by “utterly incorrect statements about teachers’ sick-leave, hours of work, duties and responsibilities”. These statements were being “repeated ad nauseam by the same right-wing economists and commentators who were the cheerleaders for the operation of the raw market”.


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Minister: Places in public system for private-school pupils [Irish Examiner]

The Minister for Education says there is enough capacity in public schools for private students whose parents can no longer afford the fees.

Half of the country's top private schools witnessed a drop in enrolment at the start of the last term, as the recession bit.

Some grind schools have seen numbers fall by as much as 30%.

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