Get Up Stand Up on Friday []

On Friday 6 November there will be eight regional protests and demonstrations around the country with assembly from 2.30pm onwards and a march at 3pm.


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OECD Economic Survey of Ireland []

What the report says about education spending

Public expenditure on education amounted to only 4.2% of GDP in Ireland in 2006, compared with the EU average of 5.2%, but it is close to the EU average amount per student (Sutherland et al., 2007). Student/teacher ratios are now among the lowest in the EU at the secondary level, though closer to the norm at primary and tertiary levels (ECB, 2009b). At the same time, compensation costs per unit of output have risen and the proportion of current spending devoted to teacher salaries at primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary levels is well above the OECD average, at 75% of total current expenditure.


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Class distinction in the school system [Irish Examiner]

IN relation to the recent controversy about relating to Protestant schools I have a different perspective on this sensitive subject.

For more than 25 years in the course of my job and also various voluntary activities that I was involved in, I visited many schools in all sectors of the educational system.

Reviewing that time now, what has struck me most forcefully is the huge difference in overall quality of physical structure and amenities/services provided between private schools (both Catholic and minority religions) and non-fee-paying secondary schools.


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Ireland gets poor value out of high spend on schools []

IRELAND is not getting value for what it spends on education and second-level classes should be bigger, according to the OECD.

It makes the shocking claim that the country could have invested 12-18pc less in education in 2003 -- and still have the same level of achievement among students.


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O'Keeffe notes grants difficulties [IrishTimes]

Every effort is being made by local authorities and Vocational Education Committees (VECs) to ensure that students get decisions on their grant applications as soon as possible, Minister for Education Batt O’Keeffe said today.

He was responding to concerns raised by Fine Gael that students were facing delays of up to four months for a decision on a grant application, due to staffing problems in grants offices and an increase in people seeking such assistance.


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