Cost of schoolbooks - Education is priceless []

Cost of schoolbooks - Education is priceless

Friday, August 12, 2011

EDUCATION Minister Ruairí Quinn is to be encouraged in his efforts to reduce the cost of schoolbooks.

Though we nominally have a free education system at first and second level, nearly any parent will beg to differ. The cost of educating a child can be spectacular and can have profound impact on family budgets. A sum of €500 has been quoted for books for a student beginning fifth year. This can be a huge burden.

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Quinn urges publishers to cut schoolbook costs []

Quinn urges publishers to cut schoolbook costs

Friday, August 12, 2011

SCHOOLBOOK companies have been asked by Education Minister Ruairi Quinn to go beyond commitments already made to help reduce back-to-school bills for parents.

In response to public criticisms about new editions and expensive textbooks, the minister called in the publishers in June to raise these concerns. On foot of the meeting, the Irish Educational Publishers’ Association (IEPA) wrote to him in early July outlining a code of practice signed up to by a number of publishers.

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Education plans fail to put children first []

Education plans fail to put children first

Friday, August 12, 2011

THERE is a proverb about teaching that says: "A good teacher is like a candle — it consumes itself to light the way for others."

Unfortunately, Education Minister Ruairi Quinn seems to think that teachers burning the candle at both ends will help solve the department’s budget problems. After cutting language support teachers, special needs assistants, and quietly moving towards the non-replacement of home/school liaison teachers, Mr Quinn has warned of another increase in class sizes.

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Brendan Broderick: Why deadline for teacher retirement must be changed []

Brendan Broderick: Why deadline for teacher retirement must be changed

A KEY aim of the Croke Park Agreement is to achieve significant savings to public sector pay costs over a four-year period.

Under the terms of the agreement, eligible public service workers who retire before the end of February 2012 will have their pensions calculated on their 2009 salary -- that is, the salary they had before the imposition in January 2010 of the public sector pay cut.

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1,700 families a day seek school costs aid [IrishExaminer]

MORE than 1,700 families are applying every day for state help with the costs of sending their children back to school.

Recent surveys show households are turning to credit unions and other institutions for loans to assist with the burden of uniforms, books and other education expenses.

The Department of Social Protection has received more than 56,100 applications for its Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance. The scheme pays €200 for children at primary school and €305 for each older child in full-time education.

But while its operation was changed this year to ensure most of the 160,000 homes which got the allowance last year did not have to apply and wait weeks for payment, other families are still applying in huge numbers.

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