College fees to return and student registration to rise []

FAMILIES face the prospect of third-level fees without any government loan deal to soften the blow. Education Minister Ruairi Quinn has firmly ruled out a previously mooted scheme where graduates would repay the State for their college education.

It narrows the options for funding the extra €500m a year experts say the system will need by 2020 -- meaning the return of fees is the only realistic outcome.

And it is increasingly likely that the Government will turn to parents and ask them to dip into their own savings or borrow to pay third-level fees upfront.


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Schools forcing families to pay more for uniforms []

Schools forcing families to pay more for uniforms

TENS of thousands of families are facing huge differences in what they pay for children's uniforms ahead of the new school year, an Irish Independent survey has found.

Cash-strapped parents are being forced by four out of every five schools to purchase their children's uniforms in designated shops.

The back-to-school costs soar when primary schools insist on maintaining the same standard of clothing across the board.

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Call for school library funds to be restored []

Call for school library funds to be restored

THE GOVERNMENT must restore the school library service for its new literacy strategy to work, Ireland’s children’s laureate said yesterday.

Funding for classroom libraries “runs completely counter to the Government strategy on literacy” and “disproportionately affects the children who are most excluded”, Dr Siobhán Parkinson said.

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College fees to return and student registration to rise []

College fees to return and student registration to rise

FAMILIES face the prospect of third-level fees without any government loan deal to soften the blow. Education Minister Ruairi Quinn has firmly ruled out a previously mooted scheme where graduates would repay the State for their college education.

It narrows the options for funding the extra €500m a year experts say the system will need by 2020 -- meaning the return of fees is the only realistic outcome.

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Report: Quinn rules out State-backed student loans []

Report: Quinn rules out State-backed student loans


Education Minister Ruairi Quinn has ruled out the idea of a state-funded loan system for students, it was reported this morning.

Under the proposed system, graduates would repay the cost of their third-level education once they reach a certain salary level.

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