Send the gift of Education this christmas with Irish Charity Camara []

Camara Education, an award-winning charity and social enterprise, is providing the ideal gift this Christmas to show friends and family how much you care in a unique and meaningful way - by sending the gift of a computer to an African school on their behalf for only €15.

Camara Education is an Irish NGO that works to alleviate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa by using technology to enhance the quality of education in disadvantaged schools. Its vision is that of a world where even the poorest have access to quality education. Education is the key to solving Africa's problems. Harnessing the power of technology in education can fast track change and make a real difference in people's lives. Since 2005, Camara has sent over 27,000th computers to more than 1000 schools in Africa where they are set up in 'Learning Centers' where teachers and children receive the gift of education.


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Schools 'could be left without heating' due to budget cuts []

An assessment into the impact of budget cuts on the education system has warned some schools could be left without essentials such as heating or insurance as a result of the reductions.

This is according to a submission by the Department of Education in September to Public Expenditure and Reform Minister Brendan Howlin’s comprehensive review of expenditure, which warned even a one per cent decrease in capitation would leave some facilities struggling to fund crucial services, the Irish Examiner reported.

However, this week's Budget included an immediate two per cent drop in capitation grants, to be followed by further two per cent decline in 2012 and one per cent the next two years.

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Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative Abolished []

Response by Tanya Flanagan, National Coordinator, Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative' to this weeks budget proposal to abolish the 'Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative' 

The budget announcements included a proposal to abolish the Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative with immediate effect. As you can appreciate, we are absolutely devastated by this announcement which comes at the end of a year when we have been congratulated at every review meeting with the DES in terms of how we have continued to maintain and deliver excellent services while achieving SIGNIFICANT efficiencies.

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Many teachers set for early retirement []

A large number of teachers are expected to leave the education system in Ireland in the coming months.

This is according to figures obtained by the Irish Independent, which found almost 1,000 educators have applied to take early retirement before the end of February.

Those that do this will be able to secure improved pension benefits based on their 2009 salary - before pay cuts were imposed - under plans set out in the Croke Park agreement.

According to the Department of Education, 584 primary and 367 second-level teachers had applied for early retirement by the deadline of the end of November.


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