
  • ICT to enable children and teachers to engage with the curriculum in a child-centred, creative way
  • expected Skill and Learning Outcomes for ICT at each Class Level
  • safety, security and behaviour Issues...

This sample policy includes

  • why the school uses ICTs
  • how ICT is used in the school - in the classroom and elsewhere
  • skills to be learned at each class level
  • current infrastructure/ software provision
  • < ...

This is a sample whole school plan suitable for schools organised into a cluster. Much of it is also suitable for consideration by non-clustered schools.

Very high level description of how a school aims to improve literacy levels.

Parents questionnaire re. literacy - School Self Evaluation (SSE)

School Self Evaluation (SSE).

Can be sent out in hard copy or set up as an online survey using Google Forms or a similar online survey tool.

School Self Evaluation (SSE)

Can be sent out in hard copy or set up as an online survey using Google Forms or a similar online survey tool.

School Self Evaluation (SSE)

Can be sent out in hard copy or set up as an online survey using Google Forms or a similar online survey tool.

The purpose of the booklet is to provide an outline to parents of the various calculation methods that children are taught as they progress through the school. 

Talk and Discussion - Drom Aidhne - Maths Language, includes the following sections, each of which is split by class level:
  • Language of Addition, Partitioning and Combining
  • L ...

This document is a yearly plan taking the curriculum objectives for each class level and linking them to each class - it is based on the Action Maths textbook and states where each curriculum objective is dealt with in the book.

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