Expanded National Council


At last year’s autumn meetings, we flagged the fact that we had initiated a review of the governance of IPPN, as it was one of the stated priorities in our strategic plan for the period 2021 to 2025. The purpose of the review was to ensure that the structure of IPPN, from individual member to the Board of Directors, is best serving the needs of our members, in keeping with our stated aims.

In the course of the review, a number of important themes emerged, including the importance of

  • building capacity within the network in terms of getting greater numbers involved in the work of IPPN as well as identifying capacity to contribute at National Council and Board level
  • ensuring the meaningful and practical involvement of the National Council to better serve the needs of members.

In the May edition of Leadership+, I reported that there was a resoundingly positive response from the Board and the National Council to the proposals for the expansion of the Council in terms of its numbers and remit. Accordingly, amendments to IPPN’s Constitution were drafted to action those proposals and the National Council approved those amendments at an EGM in June.

So, what’s new? Well, at our autumn meetings this year, we will be seeking to elect three National Council representative for each City/County Network. Each of those National Council reps will serve on one of the three committees of the Council that are being formed to ensure their direct impact on the work of IPPN. The focus of those committees is on:

  • advocacy & communications (submissions, position papers, publications, etc.)
  • professional learning for leadership (CPD, leadership support, etc.)
  • e-services (website, networking, sub-seeker, educationposts.ie, etc.).

National Council representatives will serve for a term of three years and can seek to be elected for one further three-year term. Further detail on the new City/County Networks and on how the rotation of Council members will work in practice will be shared at the autumn meetings. If more than one nomination is received for a specific role (for example the National Council rep to serve on the e-services committee), a postal ballot will be organised with all those present at the meeting being eligible to vote.

The City/County Network structure is being introduced to ensure that we get greater numbers of school leaders involved, to develop the capacity of the network as a whole. Nothing will change for 23 counties but in Cork, Galway and Dublin we are creating networks in each of the local authority areas. So, in Cork and Galway there will be two networks and in Dublin there will be four. We will be seeking to elect three National Council representatives in each of these areas. In total, across the country we will have 31 City/County Networks with a potential 93 National Council representatives.

We very much hope that this new expanded Council will encourage those of you who may have an interest in becoming more involved in IPPN and its work, to do so. Ideally, we would love to get a balance of teaching, administrative and deputy principals on our Council, as it is vitally important that those individual perspectives inform our work.

We look forward to meeting you at the autumn meetings as we gather in person for the first time in three years.

Le meas

Brian O’Doherty,
IPPN President

Child Protection and the Employment of Substitute Teachers

At present, many schools are short-staffed and are seeking substitutes, who are difficult to source. In such a situation, additional caution is required.

Ensuring that children are safe and protected is a fundamental duty and a legal requirement of every Board of Management (BoM). School leaders are advised to be careful when appointing substitute teachers or SNAs in this regard. IPPN advises that school leaders keep the BoM, through the Chairperson, fully informed of the employment of all substitutes and that both the Chairperson and school leader carefully consider each substitute employment.


All persons acting as substitute teachers are required to have completed the required garda vetting process prior to their employment and to provide documentation to this effect to the principal on commencement of substitute work. This documentation includes:

In relation to registered teachers and PME students with a Teaching Council Number: 

  • Vetting Disclosure, as per Circular 31/2016, in the case of registered teachers
  • Teaching Council Registration Documentation, in the case of registered teachers
  • Form of Undertaking (Circular 31/2016) in relation to all substitutes
  • Photo ID e.g. driving licence or passport
  • PPS Number
  • Contact details of relevant recent employers for independent reference checking.


In relation to student teachers without a Teaching Council Number:

  • College Vetting Documentation in relation to Student Teachers
  • Form of Undertaking (Circular 31/2016) in relation to all substitutes
  • Have a support and supervision plan* in place
  •  Photo ID e.g. driving licence or passport
  • PPS Number
  • Contact details of relevant recent employers for independent reference checking.


In relation to unqualified substitute teachers employed under the “5 Day Rule”

  • Garda Vetting documentation from Patron body in relation to Statutory Declaration Form & signed
  • Form of Undertaking (Circular 31/2016) in relation to all substitutes
  • Photo ID e.g. driving licence or passport
  • PPS Number
  • Contact details of relevant recent employers for independent reference checking.

*This plan would ask teachers in surrounding classrooms, administrative principals and DPs to be aware that a student teacher was working in a classroom as a sub. They might be asked to “pop in” occasionally to ensure that the student was supported and supervised. The plan might also mandate that the student teacher’s classroom door remains open. The BoM would be fully aware of the support and supervision plan as a measure to mitigate any issues arising from the inexperience of a student teacher.

Guidance for school leaders re. face masks

As you are aware, last week NPHET made a recommendation that face masks be worn by primary school children in classes from 3rd to 6th. The Cabinet considered that recommendation on Tuesday 30th November and approved the implementation of this measure. Guidelines were issued from the DE to schools in this regard. The guidelines stipulate that all children in these classes are required to wear face masks unless they are entitled to be exempt from doing so as detailed in specific criteria.

It is important that schools take time to consider the guidelines and agree a plan of action with their Boards of Management to ensure the appropriate implementation of this measure in the context of better ensuring the health, safety and well-being of school communities. Schools should focus in the coming days on encouraging and supporting the members of the school community with regard to the implementation of this Public Health measure while further guidance is awaited.

Click here to view Tony Holohan’s letter 

New Vacancies

IPPN is the officially-recognised professional body for the leaders of Irish primary schools.  It is an independent, not-for-profit association with a local, regional and national presence.  IPPN is a Limited company working with the public sector and is recognised by the Minister for Education as an official Education Partner.  IPPN works with the DES, management bodies, unions, education agencies, academic institutions and children’s charities towards the advancement of primary education.  IPPN articulates the collective knowledge and professional experience of over 6,300 Principals and Deputy Principals.

Are you interested in joining our dynamic team - check out the vacancies that are available within IPPN

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