External Research - UCD PLAN’EAT Project - Supporting healthy and sustainable diets in Educational Settings

The PLAN'EAT project aims to transform food systems and environments towards healthy and sustainable behaviour. UCD researchers are conducting a study on healthy and sustainable diet initiatives and the needs for improvement within educational settings. 

School principals are invited to share their views on:

  1. What is needed to support the transition toward healthy and sustainable dietary behaviours within the educational setting
  2. Current initiatives in place to support healthy and sustainable dietary behaviours

To participate, complete a short online survey (one per school) by Friday 22 September

Click this link to access the survey

If you have any queries or would like more information on the study, please contact: lauren.devine@ucd.ie

All participants in this study will remain anonymous and their data will be treated confidentially. University College Dublin Human Research Ethics Committee has ethically approved this study. 

IPPN Position Paper on SEN Resources, Allocations & Appeals

The position paper highlights challenges relating to the allocation of resources to schools to meet additional needs, including:

  • Planning for, supporting and resourcing schools to meet special needs
  • How allocations are compromised by inaccurate or out of date data
  • The inadequacy of the exceptional review process
  • The impact of the shorter timeframe for the admissions process
  • The lack of transparency with regard to how allocations are calculated
  • The additional complexity of resourcing Special Schools.

The paper also outlines the key recommendations to resolve these challenges. Together, implementation of these recommendations would have a profound impact on the capacity of schools to meet the additional needs of vulnerable students and would also reduce the frustrations and stresses caused by the current processes and procedures. The latter is a key aim of IPPN’s Sustainable Leadership report ‘Primary School Leadership: A case for urgent action – A roadmap towards sustainability’.

The position paper was well received by key stakeholders – the Department of Education Special Education Section and the National Council for Special Education, who wanted an opportunity to engage directly with school leaders to understand the issues and the proposals in more detail. This resulted in the establishment of a DE Focus Group on SEN resourcing and appeals, which includes members of IPPN’s Board of Directors and the Advocacy & Communications sub-committee of the National Committee. The first meeting was held on 25th August. Further discussions are anticipated this term.

Click here to view the position paper 

Development of the Position Paper
In early 2023, the Advocacy & Communications (A&C) committee of the IPPN National Council chose as its priority area of focus the issue of ‘SEN Resources, Allocations & Appeals’.

The Committee is chaired by the Chairperson of IPPN’s Board of Directors, Catríona O’Reilly, and supported by Sustainable Leadership Coordinator, Brian O’Doherty, and IPPN Advocacy & Communications Manager, Geraldine D’Arcy. Between spring and early summer, a sub-group of Committee members worked tirelessly to produce a position paper on this issue, with input from IPPN Board and staff members.

IPPN’s leadership has been using the resulting position paper in its advocacy work with key stakeholders, including in discussions around IPPN’s Budget 2024 submission


Child Protection Procedures 2023

The DE has revised and updated the 2017 Child Protection Procedures. A summary of the changes made is outlined in Appendix 5 to the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023).

The following is a brief summary of the changes and immediate priorities to be considered in the Board of Management’s scheduled review of procedures. Child Protection is the responsibility of the Board of Management and is not solely a matter for the school principal.

The more noteworthy changes for the Board to consider immediately are:

  1. Adoption by the Board of the new procedures at their next BoM meeting
  2. Implementation of the anonymisation/redaction protocols
  3. Use of the new safeguarding and risk assessment template (see below).

Section 9.5.3 has additional text to guide anonymisation and redaction of all records provided to the board under 9.5.2 to ensure the identities of any children and any other parties, including the member of school personnel to whom the concern or report relates are not disclosed. Note: Where immediate action is required (defined in procedures), anonymisation/redaction is not required.

The purpose of this change is to strengthen the focus of BoMs on oversight i.e. satisfying themselves that the DLP / DDLP has acted in accordance with the Procedures, rather than any emphasis on children, families or school personnel.

The Child Safeguarding Statement (CSS) and Risk Assessment (RA) is now combined into one document - Mandatory Template 1. BoMs must use this Template when revising their CSS and RA during the school year.

The revised Procedures refer to Tusla’s secure web portal for reporting concerns and including a link to the portal. Some schools may not be aware of this portal and should now create an account on the portal to be used if required. The school’s password to the portal should be shared with those who may have to use it.

The updated procedures take account of the Addendum to Children First, which deals with online safety.

IPPN’s Child Protection Resource Bundle will be updated to include these amendments as soon as possible and shared via E-scéal.

Click here to view/download the revised Child Protection Procedures 2023

DE Primary Payroll Queries – New Contact Details

To facilitate the introduction of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system in Primary Payroll, school staff should now submit queries through the Payroll Query Form (on education.gov.ie). In due course access to the primtch_payroll@education.gov.ie email address will be closed. General payroll queries, appointment forms and post of responsibility forms should be submitted through the payroll query form.

The Payroll Query Form is also available on the Department's website under the "Payroll services for teaching, non-teaching staff and retired personnel on Department of Education payrolls" section.

Free School Book Scheme - IPPN Advocacy

Books2Work is ongoing in the DE on the development of guidance documents for schools on the implementation of the Free School Book Scheme, announced in Budget 2023. IPPN welcomes and fully supports this initiative and is anxious to ensure its successful and effective implementation.

However, our evidence/research informed analysis of the current reality of primary school leadership in the Sustainable Leadership report clearly demonstrates that school leadership capacity and effectiveness are systematically and irrefutably undermined by the number of tasks and responsibilities that are ascribed to school leaders that have nothing to do with their core purpose. Not only does this increase their considerable workload but it also means that they are consistently deflected from their core purpose which renders them less effective and undermines the sustainability of their roles.

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