IPPN - the Organisation

Who we are

IPPN is the professional body for the leaders of Irish primary schools. It is an independent, not-for-profit, voluntary association, with a local, regional and national presence. Recognised by the Minister for Education as an official Education Partner, IPPN works with the Department of Education, the National Parents’ Council, management bodies, unions, education agencies, academic institutions and children’s charities, towards the advancement of primary education. IPPN articulates the collective knowledge and professional experience of over 6,400 Principals and Deputy Principals.

What we do

The importance of school leadership as an influence on, and key determinant of pupil learning, has been clearly established. The equation is simple – effective school leadership leads to school effectiveness, which in turn leads to better outcomes for children. It is, therefore, a priority that school leaders should be empowered and supported to deliver that effective leadership in our schools, thereby maintaining their focus on what is most closely aligned with their core purpose – leading teaching and learning.

IPPN aspires to empower school leaders to provide the most effective leadership of their school communities. We do so through the provision of supports and services that enable that empowerment, and through our advocacy for the enhancement of leadership capacity, effectiveness and sustainability. This work is shaped directly by our engagement with our members to ensure that it reflects their needs and perspectives. We also advocate with our fellow Education Partners in the best interests of children, schools and school leaders.

The way in which we work to achieve our stated objectives is underpinned by our values of respect, trust and professionalism, which define us as an organisation.

A complete overview of IPPN's work is provided in A Guide to IPPN, updated in 2024.


Strategic Priorities 2021-2025

To progress the work on our stated objectives, we establish priorities that form the basis of our strategic plan. The plan was developed in consultation with our members, our Board of Directors, our staff and key stakeholders across the education sector. It identified five areas of strategic priority.

Sustainable Leadership - to create the conducive conditions that will enhance leadership capacity, effectiveness and sustainability in all schools.

Member Engagement - to provide all our members with access to the resources, guidance and networks required to support them in their roles as school leaders and, through this engagement, to attain insights that will inform IPPN’s future plans and maximise our impact. The IPPN President leads the organisation in this work.

Professional Learning for Leadership - to strengthen our facilitation of learning and continuing professional development, ensuring this is inclusive, relevant, and valued by members and staff. The Leadership Support Team and the Professional Learning committee of the National Council lead in this work.

Communications - to embed effective communication in all aspects of IPPN’s work and to continue to improve communication with our members, our staff and the wider education sector. The Advocacy team leads in this work.

Governance – to strengthen IPPN’s governance structures to ensure efficiency, transparency and accountability at all levels within the organisation. The CEO and General Manager lead in this work.

IPPN is a member of the International Confederation of Principals (ICP) and works closely with NAPD and the Ontario Principals’ Council (OPC). These links play an important role in our research and pursuit of best international practice.

As a registered charity, IPPN complies with the requirements of the Charities Act 2009.


Governance Structures

National Council and its committees

Each member of the National Council:

  • ensures effective two-way communication between the National Council and the City/County Networks and Local Support Groups
  • represents the key professional issues, concerns and needs of the member’s City/County Network to the Board, National Council and its Committees and Working Groups
  • assists the Board of Directors and National Council in developing IPPN policy
  • attends the Annual General Meeting of the Company.

The 93 National Council representatives (3 from each of the 31 City/County Networks) serve on one of the three committees of the National Council:

1.Advocacy & Communications

This committee is involved in the advocacy work of IPPN, informing and shaping IPPN’s engagement on relevant issues with the education stakeholders.

2.Professional Development

This committee impacts and shapes the professional development opportunities that IPPN designs and delivers, ensuring that the CPD that members need and want, is provided.


This committee impacts and shapes the web services supports that IPPN offers to members, ensuring that those services do what members need them to do in terms of functionality and accessibility.

Click here for an online list of current National Council members by county


Board of Directors

IPPN’s Board of Directors has the principal responsibility for the governance of the organisation - to achieve its mission and the legal accountability for its operations. As a group, the Board establishes a clear organisational mission, forming the strategic plan along with the oversight and evaluation of the plan's success.

Its current membership is as follows:

Board Members Role Capacity
1 Catríona O'Reilly Chairperson Elected
2 Deirdre Kelly President-elect Elected
3 Linda Dennehy Treasurer Elected
4 Bryan Lynch Elected
5 Catríona Donohue Elected
6 Diarmuid Hennessy Elected
7 Diarmaid Moore Elected
8 Selina Carmody Elected
9 Eileen Pike Elected
10 Finbarr Hurley Co-opted
11 Brian Bowden Co-opted



Click here to view a video highlighting IPPN's work on behalf of its members

Membership Competition 2011/2012

Be in with a chance of winning 1 of 5 Conference 2012 packages!

When you renew your membership online or availing of the Direct Debit option, you will be in for a chance to win one of five IPPN Conference 2012 Packages!

Package includes

  1. Conference 2011 Registration
  2. B&B accommodation - Thursday & Friday, January 26th & 27th 2012

The winner will be contacted by phone. Applies to online payments & new direct debit mandates only Closing date – 30th September 2011




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Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership may be made available to academic institutions, representative organisations and other education groups, at the discretion of the National Executive. Enquiries re Corporate Membership should be made to: The Director

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Páiric Clerkin, IPPN Board Member

PairicClerkinPáiric has been Principal of St Patrick's National School, Diswellstown, Dublin 15 since it opened in September 2001. The school developed rapidly from a 2-teacher school with 46 children to a 36-teacher school with 728 children between 2001 and 2008. The school is on a shared facility campus where Fingal County Council works in partnership with the Department of Education and Skills in the provision of enhanced community facilities. Páiric was elected to the Board of Directors in 2009 and as Treasurer in 2015.

Anna Mai Rooney, IPPN Board Member


Anna Mai is originally from Ballymahon in Co. Longford. After graduating from St. Patrick’s College in Drumcondra in 1987, she taught in St. Patrick’s Loreto Primary School in Bray. On moving to Monaghan in 1992, Anna Mai taught in St. Patrick’s National School, Clara, in North Monaghan and in Scoil Mhuire, Gransha, Clones from 1994-2000. She became the Teaching Principal of Scoil Mhuire, Magherarney, Smithborough in 2000 where she remained until becoming Administrative Principal of St. Louis GNS in Monaghan town in 2008. Anna Mai was appointed as Deputy Director Primary of the Centre for School Leadership in 2015.

Dedicated to the value of continuous learning, Anna Mai completed a master’s in educational management in 2009 with the University of Ulster and was a part-time facilitator with the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) from 2005- 2015. She sits on the Irish Primary Principals’ Network (IPPN) Board of Directors and is a member of the management committee of Partnership Schools, a joint initiative between IPPN and the National Parents’ Council to promote whole communities working together to achieve better outcomes for children. Anna Mai is a member of the DCU Changemaker Schools Steering Committee and is an Ed D student with the University of Glasgow.

IPPN Sponsors

