External Research - CPD Provision for Experienced Administrative Principals

The aim of this research is to explore the forms of professional development that are available to serving principals, identify the factors that impact on accessing these provisions and explore future CPD provision in responding to principals’ needs.

Administrative principals with 3 or more years’ experience in the role are invited to complete an online questionnaire. If you have any queries, please contact Darina by email to burked11@tcd.ie or her supervisor Dr Gerry Harvey to harveyg2@tcd.ie

Priorities for Principal Teachers – External Agencies

Priorities for Principal Teachers – External Agencies

IPPN Pre-Conference Survey – Have your say

This year’s survey includes new elements such as availability of substitute teachers, Children First Act, promoted posts/ leadership capacity, co-leadership and new questions on school leaders’ workload, wellbeing and the key challenges you are currently facing. 
We would greatly appreciate if you could take 10-15 minutes out of your busy schedule to answer the survey questions. Your input is invaluable to IPPN to enhance services and supports for school leaders and to improve the impact of our advocacy work. Please share your views with us. 

Principal and Teacher Assaults

Contending with verbal or even physical assault has become a feature of the work of principals and teachers. Such behaviour must be named, recorded, resisted and subjected to all available sanctions.

“Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb”. Preparation for a possible assault incident is essential. To begin, familiarise yourself with the following and have them available, if required:

You should then devise a Dignity at Work Policy. It is important that this policy be agreed and owned by all stakeholders - thereby committing them to its implementation. Poor communication, or a breakdown in communication, plays a central role in conflict. The stress principals’ experience in dealing with conflicts that arise within their school communities takes its toll personally and professionally. If you are experiencing some interpersonal or communication difficulty, IPPN’s Leadership Support Team is available to offer personal and professional support.


Listed below are some of the meetings, events, projects, media/PR and other advocacy-related engagements that were progressed since the start of the school year. 

IPPN Sponsors

