E-sceal 548 - ICT Grant – Additional Funding

To complement the Digital Learning Framework and Digital Learning Planning Resource, the DES has provided funding of €50 million.

The grants will be allocated through a standard lump sum and additional per-capita sums based on the size of the school. At primary level, the grant is worth in the region of €5,900 for a 100 pupil school and almost €22,000 for a 500 pupil school.

The rates payable are €2,000 per school plus €39.89 per mainstream pupil in primary schools, with additional per capita payments for pupils in DEIS schools, Special Classes and Special Schools.

Additionally, a further €5 million is being set aside to recognise and support schools’ efforts to engage with digital technologies in teaching and learning. Schools are being invited to apply for the additional fund by demonstrating evidence of effective embedding of digital technologies and Digital Learning Planning no later than the 22 March 2019.

PDST are providing advice and guidance to schools on appropriate equipment and technology - www.pdstechnologyineducation.ie.

Assistance with procurement is being provided by the DES, Schools Procurement Unit www.spu.ie.

Click here to view Press Release

Click here to view DES Circular

Click here for advice to apply for additional funding

E-sceal 547 - SET- Arranging your Cluster

The SEN Clustering Noticeboard on EducationPosts.ie facilitates the advertising of required SET hours to arrange a cluster and create a full-time, fixed-term teaching vacancy for the school calendar year. A link to your advert on EducationPosts.ie can be submitted to your dedicated county@ippn.ie mailing list.

Click here to view a short video of how to subscribe to IPPN’s mailing lists or complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your www.ippn.ie member account
  2. Go to ‘Supports, Mailing Lists, Manage My Mailing Lists’ on the menu tool bar
  3. Select the mailing lists to which you wish to be subscribed
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select ‘Submit’

E-sceal 545 - CESI 2019 ICT in Education Conference

This year’s CESI 2019 ICT in Education Conference will take place on Sat 2nd March 2019 in Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT).

The Friday evening (1st March) CESI Teach Meet will take place at the Sheraton Hotel, Athlone.

This year’s conference title is ‘Creativity, Collaboration, and Computers: Practitioner Perspectives ‘
The conference will highlight the creative and collaborative nature of the CESI community. Practitioners across Ireland are using technology to enhance learning in unique, innovative, and informed ways. The Conference showcases the best of that grassroots work, and is an exciting event for educators from all sectors to come together to share their practice. For more information, please refer to attached poster and links below.

Click here to Register

E-sceal 545 - Teaching Council Registration with Conditions

It is advisable that the teachers with conditional registration with an expiry on 1 February 2019:

  • Submit the completed form to the Teaching Council demonstrating that they have now met the condition(s) to ensure that their registration is updated
  • Make an application for an extension to the period of conditional registration by 11 February 2019. A completed extension request form should be completed and submitted with supporting documentation.

Failure to comply will result in a lapse of registration and non-payment of salary. To renew membership again, a teacher will be required to submit a full application form for registration in addition to a vetting application, qualification transcripts, overseas police clearance etc.

E-sceal 545 - Leave refused – Having a difficult conversation

What if a staff member comes to the school leader upset that their application for leave or job share has been declined by the Board of Management……….?

There are times when an application for leave or job share may be declined by the Board. Following the communication of the Board’s decision, a school leader may have a difficult conversation with a staff member. It is essential that once the Board has made its decision, the means of communicating it is discussed and agreed. Ideally this communication should come from the Board through the Chairperson as this is a Board decision.

However, the teacher may be left feeling that the principal could have done more. This can be a difficult conversation. The best advice is to listen attentively and acknowledge their disappointment at the Board’s decision. While offering support to the staff member, do not react and promise to do something that may be difficult to deliver in future. Any further discussion regarding the decision would need to be directed to the Board through the Chairperson.


Listed below are some of the meetings, events, projects, media/PR and other advocacy-related engagements that were progressed since the start of the school year. 

IPPN Sponsors

