E-sceal 552 - Statutory Agencies – Requests for Personal Information

Certain Statutory Agencies e.g. An Garda Síochána, HSE, Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Revenue etc have a legal basis for requesting personal information from schools. A request for such information should be accompanied by a letter or written statement, clearly stating the legal basis for the request and the reasons for it. The letter should also clearly include the name of the person making the request.

Such a letter or statement should be held by the school and furnished to any parent who has a complaint or query about the request. That parent can then address their concerns to the person making the request rather than to the Principal.

Schools are advised to include a provision in their Data Protection Policy, clearly indicating that information will be shared with statutory bodies when requested and on foot of a letter/statement outlining the reasons for the request and the legal basis for it. The letter/statement will also contain the name and contact details of the person making the request.

E-sceal 552 - Recruitment – The ‘5 Day Statement’

The Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2018 was commenced on 4 March 2019. Schools are now required to provide a basic statement of employment details to employees within 5 days of such commencement in the absence of a contract of employment. In essence this will be in situations where substitute cover is required. A failure to provide such a statement for someone who has worked in excess of 4 weeks gives them a right to take a complaint to the WRC.

“The Day 5” statement”
The Board of Management must notify the employee in writing, within five days of commencement of employment, of the following core terms of employment:

  1. the full names of the employer and the employee
  2. the address of the employer
  3. the expected duration of the contract, in the case of a temporary contract, or the end date if the contract is a fixed-term contract
  4. the rate or method for calculation of the employee’s pay
  5. the number of hours the employer reasonably expects the employee to work per normal working day and per normal working week.

E-sceal 551 - John Curran Tribute Concert

John Curran Tribute Concert

E-sceal 550 - Research Study of School Leaders’ Experience of Coaching in Ireland

Dr Carol Kelleher, Lecturer in Marketing at the Cork University Business School, University College Cork, is undertaking a research study of primary school principals and deputy principals’ experience of coaching, as part of her MSc in Personal and Executive Coaching. The purpose of the study is to create greater awareness and understanding of the application and usefulness of coaching in primary schools to enhance the staff teaching and student learning experience.

The study will involve speaking with primary Principals and Deputy Principals who have received coaching and/or participated in a coaching programme as part of their current role. Each participant will participate in one interview (c. 1 hour) at a time and location convenient to you between March and May 2019. All results will be anonymised and a final report will be presented to IPPN, which will include the insights and suggestions from study participants. The anonymised and aggregated results will also form the basis of Carol’s thesis.

Carol is also happy to offer participants and/or a nominated family member up to three hours pro-bono (free) personal coaching in recognition of their time and effort in participating in this research.

If you would like to participate in this project or if you require any further information, please contact Carol by email to carol.kelleher@ucc.ie or by phone to (086) 806 8729.

E-sceal 548 - External Research - Survey re the impact of a Diploma in Coaching on professional practice and wellbeing for school Principals

This survey is intended for Principals who have completed a diploma in coaching.

Paul Butler, a principal who is seconded as director of Mayo Education Centre, is conducting Ph.D. research with the University of Lincoln on the impact of Coaching Psychology on professional practice. He is seeking Principals who have completed a Coaching Diploma to participate in a survey. Paul would greatly appreciate if Coaching Diploma graduates would complete the short online survey linked below, which takes approx. 15 minutes to complete, by Friday 22 March 2019.

Take Survey


Responses are anonymous and all data will be saved in a password-protected computer.? You can be assured that:

  • the information you supply is for research purposes only
  • your participation is voluntary and can cease at any time
  • all information gathered will be kept confidential
  • no information gathered will be traceable to individuals
  • any participant can withdraw from the study at any time, and ask for his/her data to be removed.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, or the research, please contact Paul by email topaul@mayoeducationcentre.ie.


Listed below are some of the meetings, events, projects, media/PR and other advocacy-related engagements that were progressed since the start of the school year. 

IPPN Sponsors

