Fears over students learning by rote [Ireland.com]

TOO many Junior Cert candidates sitting last year's Irish higher level paper relied heavily on answers they had learned "off by heart".

The problem was identified in a report by the Chief Examiner for the State Examinations Commission.

The report is one of a series done every year on different subjects reviewing the performance of candidates in the State exams. The examiner highlighted a widespread concern about second-level students depending on rote learning.

"It is evident that an excessive number of students are using pre-prepared answers in the composition, prose, poetry and the letter," the report states.

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Tolley tells schools to toughen up on bullying [NZHerald.co.nz]

Minister of Education Anne Tolley has reasserted a Government order for secondary principals to toughen up on school bullying.

The Minister spoke to the Secondary Principals' Association this morning at a meeting in Napier. The meeting followed a government letter being sent to every school board expressing concern over recent reports of extreme bullying.

Association president Patrick Walsh said Ms Tolley told schools they needed to keep students safe.

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NCSE Guidelines

The updated NCSE guidelines for 2011/2012 are available here

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Tickell Review of the Early Years Foundation Stage [NationalCollege.org.uk]


Sue Egersdorff, Operational Director for Extended and Integrated Leadership welcomed Dame Clare Tickell’s report from the independent review of the Early Years Foundation Stage, The Early Years: Foundations for life, health and learning.

Sue said: “It is great to see the work of the College endorsed in the report, and we look forward to working closely with the Department, and other partners, to realise our shared vision for the continued development of the highest quality leadership and workforce, to support our youngest children and their families.”

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