Further cuts to teacher numbers threatened [Examiner.ie]


THE Government may have to cut non-classroom teachers again next year to keep within education staffing limits as part of the EU/IMF bailout, Education Minister Ruairi Quinn has been told by his officials.

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INTO Submission on Literacy and Numeracy [INTO.ie]


In November 2010, the Department of Education and Skills published a draft national plan to improve literacy and numeracy in our schools and invited submissions.

In addition to making a submission, a delegation from the INTO met with officials of the Department to discuss the issues raised in the submission and in the draft plan.

In its submission the INTO made a number of general observations on the content of the draft plan, responded to some of the specific proposals and made a number of recommendations regarding the improvement of literacy and numeracy in our schools.

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INTO Submission on Small Schools [INTO.ie]

Last month the INTO made a submission to the DES arguing that decisions in relation to the provision of schools in rural communities in Ireland should be underpinned by a number of key principles.

These must include:

  • Provision that ensures the optimum educational outcomes for pupils.
  • Respect for the interests of all of the education partners at local level.
  • The promotion of support for the education of pupils regardless of location

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Leitrim Councillor calls for protection of Primary School Transport Scheme [shannonside.ie]

A Leitrim Councillor is calling on the Minister of Education and Skills not to introduce planned changes to the Primary School Transport Scheme.
One of the proposals would see the removal of school transport from small rural schools where 10 students or less are listed for the daily bus run.
It's feared the plan could be the first of many cutbacks as part of a wider plan to close rural schools in the county.
In Leitrim, there are 16 primary schools with 50 students or less which are currently under examination by the Department as part of a national Value for Money Review which began in October last year.
Full Story: www.shannonside.ie

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Minister to meet TDs about lack of school places [IrishExaminer]

MINISTER for Education Ruairi Quinn wants to meet with TDs representing East Cork to discuss ways of heading off a crisis, which if not averted could see hundreds of pupils unable to gain places in primary and secondary schools.

He made his comments after Deputy David Stanton (FG) highlighted lack of state forward planning which has seen the population along the Cork-Midleton railway corridor mushroom, but at the same time no new schools have been built to accommodate the children.

The population explosion is highlighted by the fact that there are double the amount of junior infants compared to children in sixth class in 21 primary schools in the region.

Full Story: www.examiner.ie

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