DES Notice on OLCS re: NCSE

Teacher numbers must operate within limits set out in National Recovery Plan and EU/IMF Agreement. Greater control is therefore required in relation to teacher allocation process.

Please ensure that applications for EAL posts under Circular 15/09 and also applications for developing posts at primary level are submitted as soon as possible and in any event at the latest by Friday 6 May 2011.

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Minister Quinn Congratulates New Trinity Provost []

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD has welcomed the election today of Prof. Patrick Prendergast as the next Provost of Trinity College Dublin.

“I want to warmly congratulate Prof .Prendergast on his achievement.

" He will take on the role of Provost at a time of significant challenge for the university itself and for the wider higher education system in Ireland.


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Minister announces establishment of a Forum on Patronage []

The Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Ruairi Quinn TD, announced on the 28th of March 2011 the establishment of a Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector.


Announcing the establishment of the Forum, Minister Quinn said "it will take a multi-dimensional approach involving consultations with the key education stakeholders, including parents".

The Minister indicated that a formal launch of the Forum will take place before Easter.

The terms of reference of the Forum are to advise the Minister on:

1. how it can best be ensured that the education system can provide a sufficiently diverse number and range of primary schools catering for all religions and none;

2. the practicalities of how transfer/divesting of patronage should operate for individual primary schools in communities where it is appropriate and necessary;

3. how such transfer/divesting can be advanced to ensure that demands for diversity of patronage (including from an Irish language perspective) can be identified and met on a widespread basis nationally.


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Teachers to be given protection against pupils' false allegations []

Headteachers will be able to press criminal charges against pupils who make false allegations against teachers in England, under guidance issued by the government.

The policy was announced by the education secretary, Michael Gove, as part of a package of measures designed to enforce discipline, which includes allowing students' mobile phones to be searched for inappropriate material.

As well as having the power to press criminal charges, headteachers will be able to temporarily or permanently exclude pupils who make false allegations.

Teachers will also get added protection through an assumption that they have behaved reasonably until the contrary is proved, and confirmation that they can use reasonable force to control children. At present, they can be suspended on the word of a pupil.


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White smoke as Trinity elects its youngest provost in 250 years []

Trinity academics had to hand up their mobile phones before going in to elect the university's new provost, Professor Patrick Prendergast.

Prof Prendergast (44), the youngest provost at Trinity since 1758, will take over from Dr John Hegarty in the summer for a 10-year period.

Strict secrecy surrounds the voting process, which is similar in style to the closed room meeting known as the conclave, which elects the Pope.

It is unique in Britain and Ireland for selecting a university head.

Trinity's 700 academic staff were entitled to vote, and about 80pc of them turned up for Saturday's conclave in the college's Dining Hall. The event lasted almost four hours.


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