Sex pest forced teacher to quit job, court told []

A SECONDARY school teacher told the High Court yesterday she was sexually harassed and bullied over a four-year period by a male colleague.

Mary O'Toole claims fellow teacher Jim Mooney leered at her, inappropriately touched her, subjected her to verbal insults and demeaned her on a number of occasions between 1996 and 2000 at Tullamore College, Co Offaly.

She claims her employer, Offaly VEC, did nothing about her complaints about Mr Mooney and in 2001 she moved to another school.

Mrs O'Toole told the court that Mr Mooney would put his hands on her back in the staffroom and rub her. On occasions, when she was walking home from school, he drove past her in his car and called out "would you like a ride, Mary" with a grin on his face.


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' I was made to feel like a bit of meat' []

A TEACHER has told the High Court she was sexually harassed and bullied over a four-year period by a male colleague.

Mary O'Toole claims fellow teacher Jim Mooney leered at her, inappropriately touched her, subjected her to verbal insults and demeaned her on several occasions between 1996 and 2000 at Tullamore College Secondary School, Offaly.

She claims her employers, Offaly VEC, did nothing about her complaints about Mr Mooney and in 2001 she moved to another school.


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Competitive sports for school kids 'could build life skills' []

Getting children involved in competitive sports at school could help them to build skills which they will need later in life.

This is according to Steve Grainger, chief executive of the Youth Sport Trust (YST), who pointed out getting involved in team sports is likely to make kids feel better about themselves and allow them to work more effectively as a team by building their confidence.

"There are real health benefits from being involving in sport - not just physical benefits, but mental health benefits, too. Those things [are] really important life skills," he added.


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Migrant young people bullied in schools [IrishExaminer]

NEW research has warned of the "potential for conflict" between immigrant and native Irish children as young foreign people in Ireland battle with language barriers.

Migrant children are experiencing racism and bullying and even more aggressive attitudes and actions, according to research by the Trinity Immigration Initiative. Multiple studies from the college also looked at how migrants were coping with work, integration as well as the courts.

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£5m teacher pilot scheme planned []

A pilot scheme costing £5m has been put forward to help newly qualified teachers to secure work in Northern Ireland.

The Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council has put forward the proposal which aims to guarantee a year of teaching for 200 new teachers. It is also aimed at securing much needed planning, preparation and assessment time for existing school staff.

The proposal is currently being considered by the joint working party of the teachers’ negotiating committee and Education Minister Caitriona Ruane.

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