Fitzpatrick to head pay deal body [IrishTimes]

PJ Fitzpatrick has been appointed independent chairman of a new implementation body agreed under the Croke Park agreement.

The Public Service Agreement Implementation Body will have a key role in ensuring the deal is put into effect.

The body comprises an independent chairperson and representatives from both public service management and the Public Service Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.

Government nominees to the Implementation Body will be Ciaran Connolly and Brendan Duffy from the Department of Finance, and Philip Kelly of the Department of the Taoiseach.


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School leavers advised to continue studies []

Staying on in education is the best option for students who sat their Leaving Certificate exams this year.

This is according to Tony Deffley, chairman of Mayo Teachers Union of Ireland branch and guidance counsellor at Davitt College, who said the current economic climate means it is difficult to secure employment.

"The tide goes in and the tide goes out and it just happens to be out at the moment as there doesn't appear to be a huge amount of jobs in prospect, so young people are as well to use their time productively by bettering themselves," he told the Mayo Advertiser.


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Children 'could benefit from maths teachers arriving from other professions' []

People who undergo a career change and become a maths teacher later in life could help schoolchildren, it has been claimed.

Sue Johnston-Wilder, a member of The Association of Teachers of Mathematics, said that it is not only first class mathematicians who go on to become top quality teachers in the subject.

Instead, she pointed out, those who have had experience in other fields such as engineering could bring practical examples to the classroom which will bring the subject to life in a way children can grasp.


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Concern over provision of schooling for Controlled pupils []

IN the city, following the closure of Templemore High School and the merger of Faughan Valley High School and Clondermot High School, there is only one Controlled Secondary school.

Since the merger of the two schools, the Entitlement Framework and Area-based Planning have been introduced.


The Entitlement Framework requires schools to offer 24 courses at Key Stage 4 and 27 courses at 16-19. Area-based planning aims at the more economic delivery of education. 


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Italy appeals Rights Court ban on school crucifixes [IrishExaminer]

ITALY began its appeal against a European Court of Human Rights ruling condemning the display of crucifixes in Italian schools in a case that could affect all of Europe.

The court’s ruling in November found the display of crucifixes in Italian schools breached the rights of non-Catholic families, drawing howls of anger from Church and political leaders in the staunchly Roman Catholic country.

Italy’s education minister attacked the initial ruling that crucifixes "restrict the right of parents to educate their children in conformity with their convictions", insisting the crucifix was a "symbol of our tradition".

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