Staffing arrangements and the role of the National Council for Special Education []

1. Purpose of this Circular

The Department of Education and Skills (DES) has always valued the contribution being made by Special Schools to the continuum of provision being made for children with special educational needs. The DES has welcomed the work of many Special Schools in expanding their remits and enrolling pupils with a wide range of special educational needs in order to meet the needs of their communities. However, issues relating to the profile of pupil population and associated teaching allocations identified by the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) indicate a need for closer consideration of enrolment practices and resource allocations.


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Teaching disciplinary body scrapped in bonfire of education quangos []

The teachers’ regulator was scrapped yesterday in a surprise announcement by Michael Gove, the Education Secretary. The General Teaching Council for England did not earn its keep and was a “bureaucratic siphon” of money away from teaching, he said.

Teachers had long complained about the compulsory £36.50 that they had to pay each year to the council, which held professional conduct hearings. Last week Mr Gove abolished two other quangos: Becta, which advised schools on buying computer equipment, and the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Authority.


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School bus charges will not rise, says Haughey [IrishExaminer]

SCHOOL bus fares will not go up next autumn but the Government is seeking ways to recoup some of the €186 million annual school transport bill from September 2011, according to Minister of State Sean Haughey.

He confirmed to TDs at the Dáil Education Committee that his officials are in discussions with the Department of Finance about An Bord Snip Nua’s suggestion last year that a flat charge of €500 be levied on all pupils who use the school transport service.

The measure would meet half the €1,000-per-pupil cost to taxpayers of providing the services to those attending mainstream schools, although the average cost is estimated at almost €1,500 when special needs pupils availing of the service are included. Even with increased charges introduced in the past three years, only €19m was raised from charges to families out of a total school transport budget last year of €178m.

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Outrage at Church’s decision to ask schools for pupil funding []

HEAD OF the Irish Primary Principals’ Network and principal of Scoil Mhuire Coolcotts, Pat Goff has said it is ironic that the Church is asking for schools to pay contributions to pupils’ education, now that the institution is in grave financial difficulty.

Nationally Catholic primary schools are furious after being hit with a new €2 million-per-year demand for money from the church.

Cash-strapped principals say that, instead of the Church subsidising them, they are now being asked to subsidise the Church.

The new request for cash has come from the Catholic Primary School Management Association (CPSMA).


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Coughlan rejects FG claim over jobs row [IrishTimes]

TÁNAISTE Mary Coughlan has rejected Fine Gael claims that the Department of Finance is “running rings” around her department in a row about the impact of the moratorium on middle management teaching posts.

Fine Gael education spokesman Brian Hayes said school authorities could not make appointments “because they don’t know the number of posts, if any, they will be allocated next year”, for year heads, programme coordinators and exam secretaries.

These posts could not be filled because “the Minister has allowed the Department of Finance to run rings around her”. She had promised nine weeks ago a decision was imminent about assisting schools directly affected, he added.


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