57,000 miss school each day - report [IrishTimes]

OVER 57,000 students miss school each day, according to a new report published yesterday.

The figures are contained in a National Educational Welfare Board’s (NEWB) report which calculates attendance from the academic years 2006/07 to 2007/08.

It shows that approximately 31,500 of truants are primary students while 26,000 are post-primary students.

This equates to a loss of 12 school days per student per year in primary school and 13 days in post-primary school.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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Tánaiste announces details of €20million training fund [education.ie]

Labour Market Activation Fund to provide 6,589 places

The Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Mary Coughlan T.D. has today announced that some 6,589 training places will be made available to the unemployed under the Labour Market Activation Fund, 2010.

Some €20million has been ring-fenced to provide the courses in a range of different locations targeting the less-skilled, and those formerly employed in declining sectors such as construction, retail and manufacturing, with particular emphasis on the under 35s and the long-term unemployed.

Following an open tender competition in which 370 tenders were received, the contracts are being awarded to organisations across the private, not-for-profit and public sectors to support specific training and education programmes for priority groups of the unemployed.

Full Story: www.education.ie


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Minister Haughey presents over 400 Further Education Awards at the Killester College Graduation Ceremony [education.ie]

'The spirit of community and teamwork is not only evident but very much thriving in Killester College of Further Education.'

'The college's commitment and the flexibility it has demonstrated in meeting the needs of those in the workforce, as well as those unemployed, is invaluable in the current transient economic climate.'

'Today is a day to celebrate achievement and it is only possible as a direct result of your hard work and commitment to achieving your goals.'

These are the words of Seán Haughey TD, Minister for Lifelong Learning as he addressed learners, staff and a specially invited audience at the College's FETAC Graduation Awards Ceremony which took place at Clontarf Castle Hotel on Dublin's northside.

Minister Haughey was presenting Level 3 to Level 6 FETAC awards to over 400 students in areas of study including Childcare, Art, Science, Horticulture and Business.

The Minister also presented 'Student of the Year' award to Stephen Cassidy.


Full Story: www.education.ie

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Schools transferred by Christian Brothers to trust valued at €94m [IrishTimes]

ACCOUNTS FILED by the Edmund Rice Schools Trust, to which schools formerly owned by the Irish Christian Brothers have been transferred, show a valuation for the properties totalling €94 million.

The accounts, which are for the period to the end of August, 2009, state that the trust has the titles to the school properties, including the school buildings, but that no value has been attributed to the buildings. The brothers are transferring school properties to the trust but not associated playing fields or such land.

However, the schools have the right to the use of such lands as long as the schools remain in operation.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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School children miss 12-13 days on average [rte.ie]

Pupils in Ireland miss on average 12-13 school days every year, according to new figures released by the National Educational Welfare Board today.

School attendance data for the years 2006 to 2008 shows that absentee levels have remained stable in recent years.

At primary level, pupils miss an average of 12 days a year, while at second-level the figure is 13.

A total of 12% of primary school children and 17% of secondary pupils miss more than 20 days per year.


Full Story: www.rte.ie

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