Union hits out at lack of stable jobs for young teachers [IrishExaminer]

The ASTI has said low availability of permanent teaching jobs means that the majority of newly qualified second-level teachers spend a number of years moving from job to job.

The union - which yesterday rejected the Croke Park deal on pay and reform in the public sector - is holding a conference for young teachers in Dublin today.

It said the lack of stable jobs for recently qualified second-level teachers is damaging the education system.

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Teachers split on pay reform [herald.ie]

Teachers' unions were split down the middle today over the proposed public sector pay and reform deal.

Members of the Irish National Teachers' Organisation (Into) -- the largest teachers' union in the country -- gave the green light to the deal by a margin of two to one after a ballot.

Meanwhile, the Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (Asti) and the Teachers Union of Ireland, representing more than 32,000 workers, voted to throw out the agreement.


Full Story: www.herald.ie

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Church school fee to offset sex abuse costs [Independent.ie]

The imposition of an immediate and mandatory 'annual membership fee' -- effectively a non-negotiated tax -- by the Catholic Primary School Management Association (CPSMA) on virtually every primary school in the country is nothing less than outrageous.

Perversely, the measure effectively forces children to contribute to offsetting the costs incurred by the sexual abuse of other children -- abuses suffered by children whose right to protection was entrusted to a church that scandalously neglected its duty of care for nearly 40 years.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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INTO votes to accept Croke Park deal by almost two to one [IrishExaminer]

The INTO has voted to accept the Croke Park deal.

The union - which represents primary school teachers - voted to accept the controversial agreement by an almost two-to-one majority.

The INTO acceptance follows the rejection of the deal by the other two teachers unions - the ASTI and TUI - today.

The ASTI said unacceptable demands were being made of teachers, while the TUI said its members also had an issue with the demand for an extra hour to be added to the working day.

Deputy general secretary of the INTO Noel Ward said he believed the Croke Park agreement would now survive, but that we would all have to await the result overall, from all unions.

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Barnardos: HSE unable to handle child welfare [IrishExaminer]

THE state’s child welfare system is so fundamentally flawed that serious consideration must be given to whether the HSE should be left in charge of child protection services, it has been claimed.

The head of children’s charity Barnardos, Fergus Finlay, said yesterday the HSE is incapable of prioritising child welfare because of the way it was set up.

Barnardos was one of a coalition of eight child protection organisations to criticise the progress made in implementing recommendations of the Ryan report, a year after it was published.

Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com

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