Parties take receipt of educators' report []

A REPORT aimed at breaking the political impasse over academic selection has been presented to a cross-party group of MLAs.

The SDLP, Alliance Party, DUP and UUP commissioned a team of educators to report on how the stalemate could be overcome.

Sinn Fein's Education Minister Caitriona Ruane has stopped official academic testing for post-primary education but grammar schools across both sides of the community set up unofficial tests in defiance. Unlike the previous 11-plus test, this left many children having to do multiple, unofficial tests in unfamiliar surroundings at weekends.


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Teachers' unions reject reform deal []

Teachers' unions are split down the middle over the proposed public sector pay and reform deal.

Members of the Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) - the largest teachers' union in the country - gave the green light to the deal by a margin of two to one after a ballot.

Meanwhile, the Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (Asti) and the Teachers Union of Ireland, representing more than 32,000 workers, voted to throw out the agreement.


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Ed Min has questions to answers []

Education Minister has questions to answer after two teachers unions reject Croke Park deal – Hayes

Speaking after the result of two of the teacher union ballots on the Croke Park deal, Fine Gael Education Spokesperson, Brian Hayes TD, today (Friday) called on the Minister for Education & Skills to explain why she refused to provide clarification to the teacher unions on issues around the teacher contract until 24 hours before teachers starting voting on the deal.

“The fact that the ASTI decision was much closer than people expected, points to the fact that crucial clarification sought by teacher representatives was not forthcoming from the Government. I understand that one month before the ballot took place some of the teacher unions requested the Department to clarify issues that were raised in respect of the teacher contract. The fact that the Department of Education left it so late in clarifying these issues, particularly around the question of teacher holidays, shows an extraordinary incompetence on the part of Minister Coughlan.


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Tánaiste opens new €470,000 extension in Scoil Náisiúnta Fhionntra, Killybegs []

The Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Mary Coughlan TD, today  opened a new €470,000 extension in Scoil Náisiúnta Fhionntra, Fintra, Killybegs, Co Donegal.

The school was allocated €470,000 as part of the Small Schools Scheme, enabling it to build a new classroom, learning support room/library and a general purpose room with kitchen, toilets and storage room, and to refurbish the electrical installation and plumbing.

Speaking at the school, the Tánaiste said parents and the local community had worked tirelessly to progress the project.

'This extension and refurbishment project would not have happened without the dedication and hard work of many people here today.

The School is also well known for its excellence outside the classroom by way of extra-curricular activities such as Athletics, Football, Drama and Film making.


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€2m church bill sparks call for schools reform []

CALLS for reform in how primary education is funded mounted yesterday as the management support body for Catholic-run schools defended controversial new membership fees.

The 2,900 Catholic primary schools have been asked to pay between €375-€875 per year for the services of the Catholic Primary School Management Association (CPSMA), amounting to a combined annual contribution of more than €2m.

The CPSMA said the fees were necessitated by the increasingly complex environment in which school boards of management operated, which in turn increased the level of need and demand on its services.


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