Teachers embrace knowledge economy as Promethean surges 150pc [SiliconRepublic.com]

Uptake of school technology and knowledge portal Promethean Planet by Irish educators has surged 150pc with more than 5,000 members – making Ireland the country with the fifth highest membership base in the world.

Promethean Planet has nearly 500,000 members in more than 150 countries, and is the world's fastest growing online interactive whiteboard community. It is free to join and enables teachers from around the world to exchange their ideas and experience, to share new and innovative lessons, and gives them to access a wide variety of professional development materials.


Full Story: http://www.siliconrepublic.com

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Microsoft enlists grads to create Ireland’s digital schools curriculum [SiliconRepublic.com]

Twenty graduates of technology or teacher training college courses are to get work placement positions in Microsoft Ireland to help develop digital material for the school curriculum as part of a deal signed by the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD.

The 20 graduates, who will be based in Microsoft Ireland headquarters in Dublin, will develop digital content to support the curriculum in primary and post-primary schools. 

They will work with the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE) on tasks aimed at supporting the integration of information communications technology (ICT) into teaching and learning.

Full Story: http://www.siliconrepublic.com

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Church crisis must not tear school system apart [Independent.ie]

IT would be a great pity if failures by church leaders were to have a serious negative impact on Catholic schools. One of the most notable contributions of the Church -- nationally and internationally -- is in the area of education.

Why is it that, throughout the world, Catholic schools are so popular? Why is it that many non-Catholics want such an education for their children?


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Ward elected to teachers' union post [IrishTimes]

Primary teachers have elected Limerick man Noel Ward as deputy general secretary of the primary teachers’ union the INTO.

In a ballot of all members North and south, Mr Ward was elected on the first count to replace Sheila Nunan, who earlier this year was elected general secretary to replace John Carr.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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One year of three for indecent assault suspended [IrishTimes]

DPP -v- P O’C Court of Criminal Appeal Judgment was given on November 5th this year by Ms Justice Susan Denham, sitting with Ms Justice Elizabeth Dunne and Mr Justice John Mac Menamin


The trial judge was correct in imposing a three-year sentence on a former primary school teacher who pleaded guilty to a sexual assault on an 11-year-old girl, but in the special circumstances of the case, 12 months of the sentence should be suspended with a provision for probation supervision.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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