Martin to make Vatican plea if bishops don't go []

THE Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Diarmuid Martin, will petition the Vatican in the new year to have four Irish bishops removed from office if they refuse to step down over the Murphy report into clerical child sex abuse cases in the Dublin archdiocese.

The dramatic split at the top of the Catholic Church in Ireland has emerged over the refusal of some bishops to accept responsibility for the abuse scandals detailed in the hard-hitting report.


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Catholics entitled to their schools [IrishTimes]

OPINION: A mature democracy respects pluralism and diversity – that includes schools reflecting a Catholic ethos, writes LEO O'REILLY

THE APPALLING abuse by priests of innocent children highlighted in the Murphy report and the pain caused to their families, along with the associated cover-up and betrayal of trust by bishops, have understandably raised the issue of the role of bishops as patrons of Catholic schools.


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Principal fails to stop action over transfer of school prefab [IrishTimes]

A CO MEATH national school principal has lost his legal challenge aimed at stopping disciplinary proceedings against him over allegedly having a prefab removed from the school for use by him as a private preschool.

He was also accused of temporarily transferring children to another school so it would not lose a teacher.


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Removing religious influence from schools not in my remit, says Minister [IrishTimes]

EDUCATION: MINISTER FOR Education Batt O’Keeffe has said it was not within his remit to decide if religious organisations should be distanced from schools, following the revelations within the Murphy report.

Speaking in Limerick yesterday at Our Lady Queen of Peace School in Janesboro, Mr O’Keeffe said the prospect of removing all religious influences from schools is “not within my remit, nor indeed within my thought”.


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Principals insist four bishops step down as patrons []

Primary-school principals are demanding that the four bishops named in the Murphy report step down as patrons of hundreds of schools.

They want Bishop Martin Drennan, Bishop Ray Field, Bishop Jim Moriarty, and Bishop Eamonn Walsh to give up their school positions.

The Irish Primary Principals Network (IPPN) also wants the four bishops to be accountable for their actions -- or inactions -- in discharging their child protection responsibilities.


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