Child safety ‘issue for school boards’ [IrishExaminer]

THE Department of Education has told the country’s primary school principals that they are charged with the implementation of child protection in their schools and not the bishops acting as patrons.

The Primary Principals Network (IPPN) has said it has “deep-rooted” concerns in relation to child protection in primary schools and that it wants the child protection guidelines put on a statutory footing.


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ASTI: There will be consequences for pay cuts [IrishExaminer]

John White, General Secretary of the Association of Secondary Teachers, has said there will be consequences for the pay cut imposed on the public sector by the Government.

Unions have been reiterating their position following pay cuts announced in the budget.

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Minister O'Keeffe announces €192,000 for new classroom in Limerick hospital []

The Children's Ark School in the Mid-Western Regional Hospital in Limerick is to get a new 120sq/m classroom following the approval today of a €192,000 grant for the project.

Announcing the funding in Limerick, the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD, said the new modular accommodation would replace the existing classroom which is located in the hospital.

'I was delighted to announce the funding for the project which will be used to build a new permanent structure beside the existing shared classroom.

'The existing classroom is located in the dining room of the paediatric unit.


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School closes to applicants until 2017 []

THE most popular secondary school in the city is bursting at the seams and has closed to further applications as they have filled their student places for the next seven years.

Coláiste na Coiribe, the city’s first and only Irish language post primary school, is already processing over 1,500 applications for school years starting from next September until September 2017 – in fact some families have booked children’s names up until 2022.


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Principals call for resignations [IrishTimes]

The Irish Primary Principals’ Network (IPPN) has called for those named in the Murphy report be held accountable for their actions.

In a statement released today the IPPN called for “personnel at any level, who have failed in any way in their child protection responsibilities, to immediately step aside to facilitate a full and thorough investigation”.


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